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Pansy gently sets her book aside, her interest piqued as Amelie's words draw her in

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Pansy gently sets her book aside, her interest piqued as Amelie's words draw her in. With a curious lift of her eyebrow, she observes the girl's hesitant posture.

"What could you want me to help you with?"

"I want to change my hair," Amelie murmurs. "I want the light gone, I want the length gone. I need to change it, they touched it and I- I just need it changed. Can you help me please?"

As Pansy gazes upon the witch standing before her, she can't help but notice just how diminutive she appears at that moment. Her eyes are wide and childlike, and the clothing she was wearing seems to swallow her up entirely. Pansy can sense how tightly the girl is holding herself as if she's afraid to drop her guard at any point.

"So, what colour are you thinking?" Pansy asks, getting to her feet, before leading Amelie up the stairs.

The dorm room where Pansy and Amelie resided was filled with gentle, muffled laughter that emanated from the two witches. Pansy, who had donned gloves, carefully applied the dye to Amelie's locks, imbuing them with a new colour.

Scattered across the floor were locks of light brown and blonde strands of hair that Pansy had cut from Amelie's head. The witch's head had felt so much lighter both metaphorically and physically with each snip of the scissors.

"And then," Pansy snorts as she tells her story. "He got so flustered that, in front of this girl he fancied, he didn't focus on his feet and stepped on his shoelace, causing him to go head first down the stairs"

As Amelie giggled, Pansy couldn't help but notice that her face seemed to glow, and her eyes sparkled like the sun, radiating warmth and happiness. Pansy could easily understand why Draco was so enamoured by the Murphy witch.

As Pansy waves her wand over Amelie's head, the vibrant dye begins to seep into her tresses, transforming her locks into a stunning new shade. With each passing moment, the witch's natural curls begin to re-emerge, bouncing back to life as the dye fully absorbs into her hair.

"How does it look?" Amelie asks.

"Stunning," Pansy sits next to the witch, taking Amelie's hands into her own. "I can help with the bruises too if you like"

"Really?" Amelie asks.

"Really," Pansy affirms with a nod.

As Amelie gazes into the mirror, a gentle grin forms on her lips. The once-discoloured bruises that blemished her face and neck have vanished, leaving behind a smooth, unblemished complexion. Her hair now dyed a rich, dark brown, gives her skin an almost porcelain-like quality, elevating her natural beauty even further.

"Thank you," Amelie whispers.

"I'm sorry for how I acted at the ball," Pansy murmurs. "It was childish and I didn't mean any of what I said. I've been so in love with the idea of love for so long and I saw Draco as my Prince Charming, seeing him with you- It was as if he had the weight lifted off his shoulders, his eyes sparkled in a way I have never seen. He's happy when he's with you"

"Well, if we're apologising, I'm sorry for calling you a miserable cow,"

"No, you're not,"

"No, not really,"


As Draco's eyes flutter open, he immediately notices the emptiness of his bed and the absence of Amelie. His heart begins to race as he realizes the door to their room stands ajar, light creeping into the room. Fear grips him, and he hastily pulls on his shoes, jolting Blaise and Theo awake from their slumber. They too take note of the Murphy witch's disappearance and quickly begin to get ready, pulling their own shoes on.

"Where could she have gone?" Blaise asks as they descend the stairs.

They stop in their tracks as they spot Pansy sitting on the sofa with a dark-haired girl they didn't recognise. They were laughing as they flick through a wizarding magazine which had an article on Rita Skeeter's worst outfits.

"Pansy, have you seen Amelie?" Draco asks the witch.

As the dark-haired girl turned around, Draco's eyes widened in surprise. It was none other than the Murphy witch, who was sitting with Pansy. He couldn't help but notice the striking difference in her appearance.

Her once light brown hair was now replaced with a dark brown shade, was beautifully lustrous and seemed to shine black in the light. Unlike before, her hair no longer flowed down to her ribs, but instead rested on her chest. Draco couldn't deny that he was captivated by her transformation.

"Doesn't she look great?" Pansy asks the boys.

"You look beautiful, Sparrow," Draco smiles at the witch who blushes slightly. 


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