Sneak Peek - Part 1

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The Trailer begins when a bus stops in front of the Oceanside High school, where we see Ruby Gillman writing her diary.

Title Card: It has been 20 years ago.

Title Card: She had appeared to all of us.

Then we see these two blue metal feet, as it walk off the bus.

Title Card: She has been a stranger to us all.

Then we see a metal girl, in a hoodie.

Title Card: She became a hero, from her time.

She uses a scientific device and approaches the statue, appearing to be strangely interested from the wall.

Title Card: But soon...

As Ruby Gillman saw the mysterious girl.

Title Card: She will meet...

Title Card: ...her match.

Ruby: (As she got up and tries to stop her) Hey! What are you doing?! Wait! Stop!

Then the metal girl suddenly runs off, and Ruby gives chase. Before Ruby can catch up to the metal girl, she escapes on a another bus.

Ruby: Who was that?

Having safely gotten away, the metal girl return home to Wakeman Residence.

Title Card: And soon...

Title Card: ...the world will know her name.

Then we see a scene when Nora Wakeman a scientist, who enters in a teen room.

Nora: XJ-9! How many times, that I have to tell you, that you will not leave Tremorton, without my permission. They are many things, that is important to your duties. Like protecting the planet from certain danger, battling aliens from another worlds, but always wanted to fit in with human population, especially teenagers (Nora opens the poster closet where a metal Teenage Robot Girl was hiding.) Do I make myself clear, XJ-9?

Jenny: It's Jenny.

Nora: What?

Jenny: Jenny. Call my name, Jenny! Remember?!

Nora: Oh, All right. Jenny Wakeman.

Title Cards: She is Back!

And this time.

It's Wakeman Meets Gillman!

Coming Soon from Netflix and Wattpad.

Ruby Gillman, Jenny Wakeman, Teenage Heroes Sneak Preview Where stories live. Discover now