Sneak Peek - Part 2

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Our trailer begins, when Jenny Wakeman and her mother were discussing about something.

Nora: XJ-9!

Jenny: It's Jenny.

Nora: What?

Jenny: Jenny. Call my name, Jenny! Remember?!

Nora: Oh, All right. Jenny Wakeman.

Jenny: Look, I know didn't mean to run off, but I was just looking for Vexus.

In a flashback mood.

Nora: You mean the Queen of the Robots? The original and failure ruler of Cluster Prime.

Jenny: Yes, Queen Vexus. Ever since we defeated her, and banished on Cluster Prime, she is still on the loose.

Then back to the regular scene.

Jenny: And that's why I have been tracker her down ever since. And I know, where she can be.

Title Card: This August

As we show scene from the Oceanside town.

Jenny: (Voiceover) You know, I have never been to the Oceanside Town, before, maybe you can take me there.

Nora: (Voiceover) But Jenny, Oceanside Town is a place for trouble, and weird characters that you don't want to meet.

Then see a scene when Jenny Meets Ruby as they bump into each other.

Jenny: Oops, I'm sorry.

Ruby: No problem. I get that a lot.

Jenny: I'm Jenny Wakeman, the Teenage Robot.

Ruby: Oh, my name is Ruby Gillman, a normal teenager.

Title Card: From the acclaimed directors, Rob Renzetti and Jayson Thiessen.

Then we see a scene where trouble is a brewing.

Grandmamah: Ruby, your next challenge will be dangerous. Since the days of Greece, a group of Titans ravage the land, causing chaos and confusion. They have the elements, that stole upon this planet. Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind.

Crius: We will attack the Kraken Kingdom, regain the sacred stone, and rule the universe.

Ruby: But, why would they want the Cronus Stone? What's it for?

Grandmamah: To take back the world. And to join forces with another.

Ruby: Ok, that would be a problem.

Title Card: And the Writers of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and Trolls: The Beat Goes On

With scene of Jenny and Ruby's Problem.

Ruby: (To her mother) I just want to live my life. You know, hang out with my friends, go to a senior prom in the next 4 more years, and even have a husband, and raise a family.

Agatha: Yes I know that sweetie. But you have to be patience.

Jenny: (To Her Mother) You never would have, made me come of age, and I need to grow up. And be as normal people should.

Nora: Well it will not matter, cause you remain as a teenager for life.

We see scenes of these adventure moments.

Title Card: Comes the Next Biggest Adventure...

Grandmamah: Are you ready for your challenge?

Ruby: Yes.

Vega: We must help Jenny, stop those titans, and that large purple giant monster, that she is dealing with.

A scene of where Jenny and Ruby Fight.

Ruby: Wait, Wait! I'm on your side.

Jenny: What, you are. Then why are you a purple  protest monster?

Ruby: Well, it's a long story.

Title Card: Where Two Girls...

We see more action moments.

Title Card: ...Will become the heroes...

Title Card: ...They been waited for!

We see more action moments. Even a scene where Jenny See Vexus.

Jenny: Vexus, my old enemy.

Ruby: That's Vexus, wow! She's even worse then Queen Nerissa.

Grandmamah: (Voiceover) No Matter what the challenge, a Kraken will always answer the call.

Bard: No matter, what you are Jenny. You'll always be yourself.

Jenny and Ruby: It's time to go big!

Title Card: Ruby Gillman,
Jenny Wakeman,

It's Wakeman Meets Gillman!

Coming Soon from Netflix and Wattpad.

Ruby Gillman, Jenny Wakeman, Teenage Heroes Sneak Preview Where stories live. Discover now