Chapter 3

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-Can I get your ID's?

We finally arrived at the bar, everyone is so tired of walking because I hadn't checked how far the place was from us. Everyone shows their ID's and we walk in. I could feel the music through my chest. This is going to be a fun night. We all head to the bar where we all get different drinks.

-A cocktail please with a lot of alcohol.

I say to the bartender.

-And a mojito without alcohol for me.

Says Adam while sitting next to me. I look around and see none of my friends.

-Where did the rest of them go?

-They went to party, isn't that why we came?

He replies, he has this look that is making me melt. I don't know how he does it but he always makes me feel so powerless around him.

-You and Andrew aren't together anymore?

I'm shocked, no one has asked me this question in a while now.

-Yes, it didn't work out.

I clearly didn't want to talk about it but I guess he was too curious. I would've been too.

-Everyone used to think you guys would get married but me and Lily didn't have the same opinion we knew "it wouldn't work out".

-We're just better as friends.

-You want to know how I realised that "it wouldn't work out"?


-You remember day where he brought you home and Lily's friend said that he looked good? You replied that you were dating him but you didn't say it in a jealous way. You said it and looked at me, you wanted to make me jealous. That was one of the many signs.

Did he really need to remind me that I was such a bad girlfriend. That part that I read in my diary was while I was dating Andrew. I was the absolute worst but that wasn't the reason we broke up actually, it was distance.I lost feelings and he became over paranoid that I would find someone else so to at least be able to stay friends we decided to break up. He told me he still loved me and would still love me but I couldn't lose him as a friend even if he loved me.

-Can we please change the subject?

-Sure, I don't mind.

-I heard that you quit school and got a job like Sebastian.

-I did, it's been going well.It was hard at first but my parents helped me through all of it.It wasn't hard to convince my dad, you know how stingy he is.He was happy to stop paying my tuition.

Adam always used to hang out with Sebastian. Lily did become friends with him through her brother.Adam's mom would always bring Adam with her when she was going to see my aunt and strangely instead of becoming friends with Lily he became friends with Sebastian and considered him as his older brother so this choice of profession wasn't shocking to anyone.

-I'm happy that it worked out for you.

-Here are your drinks.

Says the bartender.

-Thank you!

We both reply.

-Are you guys not going to dance?!Come on get up!

Says Lily yelling the loudest she can.

-Do you want to go?

Says Adam.

-Yup let's go.

I say smirking.


Ugh my head hurts like shit. Where am I? What time is it?

-You woke up? Finally, everyone is waiting outside we're going for hangover soup.

I look up to the person talking to me and see Lily, still in her clothes from yesterday. She was standing in front of the bed clearly as hangover as me.

-Yeah, ok.

I stand up feeling a bit dizzy but still walk out of the house to join my friends.

-Ok now that we're all here let's go before I faint.

Says Lina after seeing me in front of the house. We all just go to our cars.

-I'll take Lina, Andrew and Jasmine.

Says Sarah.

-Wait, why is Jasmine here?

I ask, confused since she didn't drink.

-Because I didn't want to stay with my parents at home, without Sarah there it's so boring.

She replies.

-Anyways, I'll take Lily and Cindy since Cindy didn't bring her keys.

Says Adam, then he grabs us both by our arms and takes us to the car. I'm sure that the only reason Lily invited him was because she couldn't drive. We all head to our separate cars and go for hangover soup.

When we finally arrive to the restaurant we look for a big table to sit in. When we couldn't find one Jasmine and Adam, the only ones that didn't feel like they're heads were going to explode, joined 2 tables for us. We all sat and talked while waiting for the server to come, when he did we all took the best hangover soup Nice.Adam didn't get anything though, while Jasmine also got the hangover soup because she just enjoyed it.

-Cindy, how's your new University? Isn't it the one of the best Universities in its field?

Asks Andrew trying to change the conversation since everyone was asking about his relationship status.

-It's great, it's harder than I thought it would be but I'm still really happy I got accepted. And I'm sure it'll open some great doors in the future. But actually it's not a University, it's a school.

I reply, happy to help him out until I see Lina's face.

-And so what is, your, relationship status?

She asks while I give a begging look to Andrew so that he could help me. But the backstabbing bastard makes it as if he didn't see me.

-Well...I'm single.

I just reply, I mean I don't even know why I was scared since I'm single but I'm also wondering why Andrew was scared since he is also single.

-Oh really, ok.

Lina says, giving me chills. Gladly right when she was about to talk again the server comes and gives us our order.

When we all finished, we all go to our separate houses to rest a bit before going to the beach.

When we arrive home I immediately head to my room. I jump into my bed but feel something under my hand. It's my diaries. Should I read another page? My diaries are so interesting so why not. I look for the most interesting year, which was my second diary, but I don't find it. I don't start panicking since the diary could just still be in the box, I look threw the box but nothing. My diary was nowhere to be found.I didn't know what to do, I started thinking. Maybe I put it somewhere while I was drunk, where did I see it last? All of those questions didn't have answers. I didn't know where that diary went but that diary has so much important stuff in it. I had the worst and the best year then. There were two things that could've happened, one I lost it somewhere in the house and two someone took it. I really hoped it was the first one because I can't imagine what would happen if for example my mom took it and read it. That year I was really angsty and even if I didn't say anything bad about my mom I did say a lot about my dad and some other family members. At least they're not here so they can't read it. I might as well sleep, I'll look for it when I wake up because right now I still haven't gotten over my hangover.

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