Chapter 1

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My Golden Flower my love of my life I've missed you so much though it has been 7 years my heart still aches for you, as I look out my window I can still see your amazing face beaming with joy.

A tear slowly rolled down my cheek as I slowly reach up and wiped it away just as fast as it rolled down, the memories oh the sweet, the sweet yet bitter memories that we shared flashing through my eyes as my gaze shifted up at the colorful sky. The moon slowly starting to rise from the horizon the birds no longer sining their happy tone. This world as been so empty so lifeless with out my dear king, it's become so boring and sad that I've started seeing him in almost everything.
I see him in the rain, oceans, the sea, even the rivers.

This Castle has been so empty without his beautiful laughter today will always be a day that I will cherish as it is the anniversary of the day he disappeared from my life, I'll forever hope that he will return to me one day in some shape or form.

The sound of my heels echoing throughout the corridor as I slowly make my way to the dining hall the clicking for my heels come to a stop and as I reach the dining room doors, the gards slowly pull open the large doors making way for me as I step into the hall, with each step I take I'm greeted by the maids, along with my personal butler.

My eyes slowly drifting away to the golden door in the right hand corner of the dining hall that has been sealed shut for 7 years he always mentioned how I should never open it and that it was a danger to me and our kingdom my love for him has always been strong, it was so strong that I never doubted him once but now that he's gone now that he were missing my mind will always wonder what was behind that door. My hand my legs slowly drifting towards the door as I slowly grasp the handle and slowly pull the door open I open my eyes to a new world, A place I wasn't familiar with this world was unknown it was much different from my kingdom strange carriages without horses what a strange sight, women were wearing shorts and shirts like men no dress insight but when there was a dress that caught my eye it had such short sleeves that it was only foolish of me to even look at the same direction as that foul site, back home it was a sin to show that much skin and being how I am I clearly knew I was no longer home but in a far far away place a world he would always talk to me during our afternoon shows through the garden, almost as if it was a distant memory I looked around left then right sound of Birds chirping and the wind whistling a beautiful melody music to my ears.

As I gaze up taking notice of the huge buildings above me towering over me intensely it's nervewreaking being in a strange place that's completely unknown to you as any other onlooker would have acted if they were in my position I knew that I had to at least look around, maybe this is my chance to find him maybe this is my chance to figure out what truly happened to him, my love my one and only Alexander my darling King.

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