Who knows?

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"Luc! Luci! LUCI WAKE UP!" I slowly opened my eyes to see that my little sister Jordan was running around my room.

"Why are you so hyper in the mornings?" I asked groggily. She can never stay still, she always has to be running jumping, dancing, or tapping her foot.

"Why shouldn't I? It's a great way to start the day!" My sister Jordan is nine years old. She has light brown hair and brown eyes. She's gorgeous and shes more of a girl than I am. Every week she has at least two new outfits, new color nails, and a new bow or headband!

"Get up today's the last day of school!" I completely forgot! I can't believe that next year is my last year in high school then ill go to college to study TV production and biology!

I got up from my bed, picked out my outfit for the day, then headed for the shower. I have 2 hours to get ready before school starts, but I usually just take 30 minutes to get ready. The other hour and a half I just go on my computer or watch TV.

Today I was in the shower for about 30 minutes, just thinking about the random things. I got out of the shower, put on my clothes, blow dried + straightened my hair. I normally don't straighten my hair but today I thought 'eh why not.'

It was around 7:45 when I left my house. My school is five minutes away just walking there. I saw my friend Jake walking and I caught up with him. I've been friends with him since summer 05'. And over the years I've developed some feelings for him, but like I said before I'm in no rush plus he only thinks of me as a friend.

"Hey J"

"Waddup Luc" J is my "nickname" for him and Luc is obviously his nickname for me.

Jake is pretty tall, around 5'9. He had golden hair, and sparkly blue eyes. He has a nice voice and a amazing personality. Most of the girls at our school are literally in love with him, but he doesn't pay attention to them. He mostly always just hangs out with me and our other friends, Luke, Daniel, Dave, Liam, and Chris, and Jasmine (Lukes girlfriend).

"Are you going to Daniels party on Saturday?" I asked him, curious to find out.

"Maybe, If I feel like going I might go, but I think I might just chill out at home. You?"

"Nah I'm not going, I heard Winter and Sloane are going so," Winter and Sloane absolutely hate me and I hate them. I don't know what I did to them but ever since the first day I met them, we would argue about the stupidest things ever.

"Really? Never mind then I'm not going! Sloane is always touching me and trying to get my attention. You wanna come over tomorrow and just hang out like old times?" When he said the last part I started to think of all our old memories. We used to always watch movies together and wrestle and do whatever we thought would be fun!

"Sure that's sounds great!" I had a smile on my face. "I'll come around 5 ok?"

"Cool" he said while smiling. I could tell he was just as happy as me because we haven't hung out with each other by ourselves in a while. I couldn't wait until tomorrow ...


At school~

We were finally in our last class. Everyone was either talking, crying, or signing yearbooks. I had this class with Chris so I was over at his desk talking to him, planning our yearly trip to Orlando. This year were going to Islands Of Adventure one o best theme parks in Orlando.

"We are definitely going on the Hulk first! It's one of the best rides there! Plus it's closer to the entrance" he tried convincing me.

"Exactly! We can go to dr.Seuss land then to The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter then to the superhero/super villain part of the park since it's closer to the exit" I winked at him knowing that he had given up by the look on his face.

"Fine, fine you win!" Chris and I are like brother and sister. We fight, he's overprotective of me, and we care about each other. Overall I could say he's the one I trust the most out of everyone in my life.

"So what are you doing tomorrow? You going to Daniels party?" I asked, wondering if he was or wasnt.

"We'll I've got nothing better to do so yeah I guess!"

"Oh cool! Tell me how it was"

"Wait your not going? Why not?" He had a confused look on his face, maybe because this'll be the first time that i miss one of Daniels parties.

"Cuz Sloane and Winter are going and I don't feel like seeing them or arguing with them" he gave me an understanding look and the conversation stopped there. Seconds after the bell rang and everyone bolted for the door. I wouldn't blame them though because it's officially summer break!

When I got out I saw that Jake was waiting for me.

"We're finally out of this prison for a few months!" I was so happy that it was finally summer break. My friends and I always do things together, and we always have fun. No matter how boring the event is, we always find a way to make it fun!

"So should I drop you off at home or do you wanna come over to my place?" He asked, so he know which way to take.

"We should go to 'the spot' " 'The spot' is a cove that we found at the beach. We think we're the only ones that know about that place and we always go to together!

" 'the spot' it is!" He started the car and we headed for the beach.

~At the spot~

"Luci, I need to tell you something."

A million things ran through my head on what he was about to say.

"Sure, go ahead"

"We'll there this girl," damn it, I knew I didn't have a chance with him. "And I really like her but I don't think she likes me back.... What should I do?"

I did my best to not look disappointed.

"Well, you should give her signs that you like her, like hold her hand sometimes, comfort her, etc." I'm not sad that he likes someone that isn't me, I'm sad because i know that he'll be hanging out with this girl more than he'll be hanging out with me.

"Awesome! Thanks Luc, your the best" he gave me a hug and pulled away after around 30 seconds.

We got up from where we were sitting and headed or the car.

"Just drop me off at home" I told him.


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