Chapter 1

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It's was a sunny day in Australia, and Tina was so excited that her baby sister was coming to spend the summer with her. The taxi pulled up to the house, Tina ran out to hug her "oh Kaley I have missed you sis"
"I have missed you too, how is the internship working" Kaley said
"oh I love it one I get to be here in sunny Australia and the children are so sweet" Tina said
"that's great sis so have you ran Luke or Calum or any of 5sos" Kaley said.
Tina just laughed and showed Kaley to the bedroom she would be spending the next 3 months in
"no seriously Tina have you" Kaley said
"no sis I haven't had the time you know with all the time I am at the school but I told them that I needed to get my baby sis settled in so they gave me a week off" Tina said
"yay so are you going to be like mom" Kaley said
"what you mean" Tina said
"well before I left mom was like I don't care if you can drink over there you don't drink do hear me" Kaley said giggling
"no as long as you are with me, then it's fine now go take a shower and get ready we going clubbing tonight" Tina said
Kaley hopped into the shower and Tina called out to her "I am scared"
Kaley got out and said "scared of what sis"
"running into Calum, I don't know if I would be able do anything" Tina said
"I know that's the same way I feel about Luke" Kaley said
Tina looked at herself in the mirror and said
"well this is the best I could do"
"you look gorgeous, I have always love you in red" Kaley said
"I do too but I don't know" Tina said
"how do I look sis" Kaley said
"that blue would match Luke's eyes"
They both laughed and hugged each other and hopped into car they pulled up to the club, Tina looked up and locked eyes with someone that kinda looked like Calum but Tina just thought no it couldn't be him then all of sudden a bouncer of the club came over to her and said
"excuse me miss can u come with me"
"why" Tina said
"well you been approved for VIP" the bouncer said
"well I won't go without my sister" Tina said
The bouncer walkie-talkie someone then said
"that's fine"
Tina and Kaley smiled at each other
"I wonder why you were approved for VIP" Kaley said
"unless it was him but nah it can't be" Tina said
The bouncer said "just though that curtain over there"
"Thank you Chris" Tina said looking at the bouncer's name tag
The bouncer smiled and disappeared into crowed, Tina and Kaley walked through the curtain and they both got nervous
"we don't belong here" Tina said
"yes you do" a voice Tina recognized
Tina and Kaley turned around to face Calum
" I am.. " Calum started to say
"Calum Hood" Tina said blushing right after realizing she cut Calum off, but Calum just laughed and said
"oh good you do know who I am"
"of course she does she is madly in love with you" Kaley said
"oh my god Kaley shut up" Tina said blushing and Calum just smiled and said "let's get you two a drink" motioning to the bar tender
"this way" Calum said softly brushing his hand on the small of Tina's back which made Tina shiver
"if you know me then you should know these boys" Calum said
Tina and Kaley just nodded and smiled
"so is this the girl you couldn't stop talking about when we came into the club" Michael said
"shut up" Calum said
Tina smiled and blushed and said
"oh I am sorry I am Tina and this is my baby sister Kaley"
"you know you could have left out the baby part sis I am 15 now" Kaley said
"oh sorry my younger sister Kaley" Tina said giggling
"have a seat girls" Calum said touching Tina's back again
Tina and Kaley sat down on the couch and the bar tender came and said "I hope beer is okay"
"Yeah that's fine thank you Paul" Tina said looking at his name tag
"don't worry about it that's my job" the bar tender said smiling
"so you like our music" Ashton said
"oh my god of course me and Tina are the biggest fans ever, Calum is her sunshine and Luke's mine" Kaley said but looked at Luke then to the floor and she stopped talking and they all laughed
"aww so me and Ashton are not" Michael said
"well Michael you are Tina's second and Ashton is mine" Kaley said but then realized that she embarrassed herself again and stopped talking, just then the club started playing don't stop
"oh my god Tina our song let's go dance" Kaley said
Tina and Kaley ran to the dance floor and started dancing and singing
"she is pretty Calum" Michael said
"and don't you think Kaley is" Luke said
"she is" Ashton said
"well I am going to go dance" Calum said walking to Tina
"me too" Luke said following
As soon as they reached them Amnesia started playing and Calum grabbed Tina into his arms and started singing it to her, Tina just danced with him listening to his voice when it came to Luke's parts Luke sang to Kaley too. The song was almost over and Calum lifted Tina's face to look into her eyes and softly kisses her and Luke spun Kaley around a dipped her and when he brought her back up he kissed her. Michael and Ashton just sat there on the couch looking at them
"why are they so lucky tonight" Michael said
"because it's finally their turn" Ashton said giggling
The rest of the night, they just sat there talking and getting to know each other at the end of the night Calum said "let us drive you home"
"it's okay I brought my car" Tina said kinda sad because she didn't want this night to end
"okay well then me and the boys are going to follow you home just to make sure you girls get home safe okay" Calum said
Tina and Kaley nodded and hopped into the car, when they reached Tina's house Calum and Luke got down and opened their doors and walked them to the door
"I had a really great time tonight and if this is the only time, I get to be with you, I want to thank you for giving me the best night of my life" Tina said
Calum pulled Tina into a kiss and then said
"I will see you again I promise" Calum said
Tina smiled and kissed him again
"umm Luke I had a great time Luke" Kaley said
Luke smiled and kissed Kaley and said "I did too can I see you again"
"of course I would love to see you again" Kaley said
Luke kissed Kaley and they stood they kissing each other
"come on guys dude either go fuck them or let's go home" Michael said
"I am sorry about him they are just jealous because it's usually them getting the girls at the end of the night" Calum said
Kissing Tina one last time and saying
"I will call you tomorrow baby okay"
Tina smiled and kissed him again one more time
"and I will call you tomorrow Kaley" Luke said
Kaley smiled and kissed him the boys hopped into the car and Tina and Kaley walked through the door. Tina and Kaley talked all night about the best night of their lives.

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