Chapter 2

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The man's gaze on me was cold and sharp, shooting shards of icy blocks full of hatred. Though I was not afraid, I was saddened. He was well-protected, but by what I do not know. I was helpless as my limbs refused to listen to me. My hands slept, and my legs were numb. I couldn't move to run away or fend for myself.

Yet I didn't want to run. I wanted to be here and watch him die in my hands. He deserved  such brutal death much similar to the one that has been playing on my mind. I felt powerful, although I was bound, unable to move. And the man looked at me like he knew he already won. 

He leveled his archery in position, aimed straight at my heart. He pulled the string and I could see the arrow pointing at me. I closed my eyes and waited for the blast. I heard him let go of the string. Any second now, I would feel the sting of the sharp arrow. But it never came.

When I opened my eyes again, the man's expression had changed drastically. Fear and sorrow crept every inch of his handsome features as he fell on his knees. I searched for the look of defeat, but all I could see was loss. 

Suddenly I felt myself being pulled away with the wind. There were flashes of images playing like an old film recorder. Different faces with vicious eyes and lips that move with words they used to haunt me. I couldn't hear them, but somehow I knew what they were saying. I saw my family, waving at me with sad smiles on their faces. I saw Douglas and he was crying. The images go on, of the same faces of my family and Douglas. And then it stopped. 

The flashes stopped playing and it was dark. I could hear my own breathing and pumping heartbeat as I waited for what's to come. The image flickered, and for only a second, the face of the boy I loved appeared.

I awoke with a start, beads of sweat trickling down my spine and my forehead as I sat up. My room was dark and the air was cold. The windows were opened, and I shivered, suddenly scared and very much alert to see if anyone was in here with me. I glanced around the room, my eyes adjusting to the dark. Certain that I was alone, I locked my windows.

But not before I noticed a figure standing on our driveway, which was clearly visible from my room. The silhouette belonged to a man, that was for sure, and he stood facing my window, obviously watching me from afar. I shuddered and pulled the curtains closed, covering myself with my blanket. Whoever that is knows I am awake, and that I'm aware of his presence. 

My heart beat at my chest as my breathing became shallow. Fear washed over me as I try to calm and assure myself that it was just my imagination from that vivid dream. But who am I kidding? That man was real, and deep down, I know he has been since I was young.

I waited for something, anything, to happen. Windows crashing, door-banging, or some creepy man barging in. But I laid there for about a half an hour, and was cloaked with complete silence, except for my loud breathing. My heartbeat slowed as I assured myself that nothing will happen, and if something will, my parents are just a room away.

Unconsciously, I began to hum the lullaby I have grown so fond of. My eyes were closed, and I placed the image of the sea behind my closed lids instead of the pitch black darkness. The sound of the crashing waves soon hit my ears, and I could smell the fresh air. 

Sweet coupled airs we sing

No lonely seafarer

By now, I could hear not only my voice, but also someone else's. I wasn't afraid, as I was pretty sure it was all in my imagination. The singer has a voice so beautiful that it drowned mine out. And then there were two more different voices joining her, but enthralling, nonetheless. 

Holds clear of entering

Our green mirror

The last thing I heard before I fell into a peaceful slumber was the humming of somebody who seemed to be there right beside me on my bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2013 ⏰

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