Defense Against the Green Tide

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The planets surface lay barren, dried rock and dust consuming most of it layer, this place was on the edge of the Emperor's most holy light we had come to change that. The planetary governor had requested aid and so the Cadian 302nd was deployed, the small battalion made landfall in early morning on a dam over canyon. Their mission was to set up defenses and reinforce the planets ill cared for equipment, while patrolling for the ork menace that had infested the world. By mid-day the defenses sat ready to deliver the Emperor's wrath and his Guardsmen stood ready to fulfill their duty in service as well, and yet the ork slime had refused to slink from the holes where they hid. It wasn't long after that one of the patrolling squads discovered a small pack of ork runts, the squad immediately reported back and delivered the news of the enemies awakening, only minutes later the runts streamed forth charging the gates of the dam, The guardsmen opened fire on the filth and quickly began delivering the Emperor's wrath!

As it seemed the ork runts were repelled a lone one leapt forth and detonated a charge on the dams main gate, utterly destroying its frame and mechanism leaving the defense point open for more attacks, as the grunts sneak forward exploding the operating system near te gate and clambered through the torn wire. However the guardsmen of the Imperium felt no fear only contempt to not let the ork disease even enter their domicile once more, and so they pushed forward and set up a small defense outside the ruined gate after slaughtering the slime that had seeped through during the bombing. It was now that the orks began their flow, small teams at the start being quickly cut down by the volley of guard, but soon the flow of the river turned into a title wave. A ork truk steamed around the bend in the rock ork "boyz" roaring loud, the guard fell back to the dams main defense point as the tide rolled in hard and fast only to meet las and stubber fire from the well defended positions of the Cadian 302nd as they held strong against the tide withstanding its force. With a warcry for the Emperor and lips of men they charged forward pushing the orks back and away from the dam, The Guardsmen sunk their talons into new positions swearing to hold the enemy here, hours passed as the ground filled with ork bodies and power packs sat used up in service of the Imperium, victory seemed at hand. Then the ground quaked as Waaaaagh tore through the air and chipped the side of the canyon with its force. A enormous tide of green charged forward hitting the Guards line hard and fast tearing through the first lines horrifyingly quick, the first critical blow was dealt to men of Imperium the ork tide soon breaking the second line dozens of guardsmen chopped and hacked low by the orks crude weapons. Yet the men of Cadia did not falter they held the gate point slamming their foot into the closing door of victory and tore it open once more, as the men leapt forth and shot down the line of the xeno in mass retaking their starting lines. And preparing for the last stand, even with their casualties the orks flowed strong and where met with Emperors wrath incarnate as they hit the newly formed front line, but this time merely denting it as brave men and women of the Imperium then squashed the last ork waaagh into dust amongst the planets surface. The tide was thrown back into their holes and Cadian 302nd battalion seized the right of a major victory against the filthy xeno, it would not be long now until their mark was cleansed from this world!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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