𖤐:; Chapter 0 , The meeting of two worlds

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POV: y/n


What seemed like just another normal day turned out to be anything but when y/n saw a bright light and then nothing. Suddenly, they found themselves in a completely different place, with unfamiliar surroundings and even stranger people. They had no idea how they got here, what this place was, or who these people were.

Kaeya was the first person y/n met, and he offered them a place to stay and answers to any questions they might have. As they spent more time with him, y/n found that they enjoyed his company, and he became a welcome surprise in the midst of such confusion and upheaval.

Little did y/n know, their journey through this strange new world would bring them closer to Kaeya, and they would discover more about themselves in the process. They would have to face many challenges and obstacles, but with Kaeya by their side, they would be ready for anything.

(Basically it's the same as aether and lumine backstory lmao.)

"The sun sank slowly over Mondstadt, turning the skies pink and orange as y/n and Kaeya left the guildhouse. The city air was crisp and cool, perfect for an evening stroll, and y/n took a deep breath of it, delighting in the mix of smells of food, horses, and the crisp scent of the breeze. "Wow, this is why I love being in Mondstadt so much," y/n said, looking around. "Everything seems so perfect."

"I'm glad to hear that, my friend," Kaeya replied, a small smile on his face. "I think Mondstadt is a special place, even among the other nations. There's a certain charm to it, don't you think?"

"Oh, definitely," y/n agreed, smiling back at him. "I feel like I always belong here. Even though I'm from a different world, Mondstadt feels like home to me."

Kaeya's eyes narrowed as he looked at y/n, trying to decipher the comment. "A different world, you say? You're not from Teyvat?"

y/n shook their head. "No, I come from beyond Teyvat, beyond The Veil. I don't know how or why I ended up here, but I'm determined to figure it out."

Kaeya's face grew sober, his eyes fixed on y/n's. "Do you trust me, y/n? Do you trust me enough to tell me everything?"

y/n took a deep breath before answering. "Yes, I trust you. You're my friend, and I know you wouldn't hurt me. But this is a lot to take in, Kaeya. I'm not even sure if you'll believe me."

"Try me," Kaeya said, his voice soft. "You'd be surprised what I've seen and heard in my life. Whatever it is, we'll face it together."

y/n took a deep breath and started retelling their story, from the moment they awakened in Mondstadt to their adventures with the Traveler. Kaeya listened intently, his face growing more and more serious as the story went on. By the time y/n finished, the sun had sunk completely below the horizon, leaving only the stars and the flickering street.

As the sun set and the streets began to empty, Kaeya walked y/n home. The day had been a strange one, but he felt an inexplicable pull towards the merchant. He couldn't quite put his finger on what it was about y/n that he found so intriguing, but he knew he couldn't ignore it.

As they walked, Kaeya found himself drawn to y/n's voice. It was soothing yet lively, with a depth that seemed to penetrate right through him. He found himself wanting to know more about y/n, to ask them questions about their life and their travels.

But before he could muster up the courage, they had arrived at y/n's small, cozy cottage. Kaeya felt a pang of sadness in his chest, knowing this was where they would part ways.

"I hope to see you again," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

y/n smiled at him, a serene expression on their face. "I'm sure we'll meet again, Kaeya. I have a feeling our paths are destined to cross again."

As y/n went about their duties, they found their thoughts repeatedly returning to Kaeya. They couldn't deny the attraction they felt towards him, the way his eyes sparkled when he smiled, the warmth of his touch when they leaned into him for comfort. But there was something more, something they couldn't quite put their finger on. They felt as if they had known him for years, as if there was some deep connection between them that reached beyond the bounds of time and space. They yearned to see him again, to delve deeper into the mystery that surrounded him.

The days wore on, and as autumn turned to winter, y/n found themselves spending more and more time alone, their duties finished and their mind free to wander. They found comfort in the quiet, in the peace that surrounded them. But there was always this nagging feeling, this sense that they were missing something, that there was more to life than this simple existence.

It wasn't until the middle of winter that the opportunity presented itself. y/n had finished their work early and decided to take a walk through the city, savoring the quiet as the snow fell gentle around them. They wandered aimlessly, lost in their thoughts, until they happened upon a small cafe. The sight of the warm light filtering out from the window caught their eye, and without thinking they pushed open the door and went inside.

As they took a seat in the corner, enjoying the warmth of the fire, they reflected on the journey that had brought them here. It seemed like only yesterday that they had arrived in Mondstadt, a stranger in a strange land. And yet, here they were, surrounded by people who had come to feel like family, people they would miss dearly when it was time to move on. y/n tried to imagine what the future held, but the truth was, they had no idea what lay ahead. All they knew was that there was a sense of adventure in the air, a hunger for something more that pushed them forward, day by day, towards what lay beyond the veil.

 All they knew was that there was a sense of adventure in the air, a hunger for something more that pushed them forward, day by day, towards what lay beyond the veil

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(Finally done anyways more coming out soon.)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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