The meet

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Princeton hoped its was her that's just said hello. So he played it cool.

Ricious hello

Princeton hello how no who is this

Ricious I just found this number in my jacket I wonted to know who's it was

Behind the phone Princeton jumped up and down "yes"

Princeton umm yah this is Princeton

Rocious jumped up and down with Ada

Ada- why are we jumping

Girl this Princeton number wow

Ada no its not

Girls yes let me put him on speaker

Princeton umm yeah hello

Ricious um did you give me your number

Princeton ohh I didn't know I slipped it in your pocket

Ricious ohh I'm sorry ill delete it * hand on the phone coveting it * no I won't

Princeton well it ok you can have it as long as I get to meet you

Ricious drops the phone stopes and smiles

Ada omg u can meet her with me at my house and bring roc

Princeton u got it bae but wats the address

Ada 5458 south pinbluff

Princeton ok u got it bae

Ada bye

Princeton * click *

Ada ahh rude!!

Omg lets get home quick

Ricious omg he's coming over I gotta get there and change

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