Lets talk

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After the dinner he took me into a room.

J- this is where you will be sleeping.

He threw me across the bed nn I curled into a ball with my back against the wall. The wall was cold with holes all around me. He was going to start talking but he got an call. And of course I couldn't help my self but to listen.

J- hello

Mystery man- did you handle it

J- yes she's in her room

M M- I have to got get something's but ill be back keep her in control.

J- I can handle it

Just like that the phone call ended. He came back into the room

Jayden- do you have to use the restroom

Martgzia- no but y ask so u could rape me or take advantage if an innocent person. Well it's not going to happen.

J- well I don't do things like that but I will take you cause you haven't went all day.

He grabbed my ear nn snatched me off the bed. We began walking into the hallway. He tripped into this dark corner nn I fell with him. He told me this was nun of his doing he was being forced by an unknown source.

Tbh I didn't know what to believe. Like I know him but at the same time I don't. He kissed my cheek and said. I promise to you I don't like making girls do things like this. I have had to change my name nn appearance because of the man making use do this. This had been toucher to all of use.

I had to stop him from talking. why would somebody make you do all of this. Nn how can he get y'all do do things like this. He continued well these is something that we all did nn it is very deep nn if it ever got out we would be ruined. He began to cry.

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