Prologue: In an anime world

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Hiro's Pov

Me:pew man today was horrible over a hundred degrees out side you could fire an egg on the hood of a car.

I work as a janitor in the big business company I gets pretty exhausting at times but you gotta make money. I make back home to my small apartment I get out my work clothes take a bath and watch some YouTube videos by Naggz21 or Joeybeagels. After awhile I started to get sleepy and decided to turn in for the night.

3rd pov

After Hiro went sleep after turning off his tv I turned on again with a message.

You have been chosen.

And a huge flash of light engulfed everything in Hiro's apartment and then nothing Hiro was gone.

And a huge flash of light engulfed everything in Hiro's apartment and then nothing Hiro was gone

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Planet Genesis outskirts of Union City

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Planet Genesis outskirts of Union City

Hiro's Pov

Me:Man my head hurts.

I noticed I'm not I my apartment anymore. But suddenly a notification screen pop up in my face.

 But suddenly a notification screen pop up in my face

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It showed stats like off a rpg game.

Hiro Shizuki

Level -1





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