Chapter 1: recruitment and two girlfriends

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Hiro's Pov

I'm currently sitting on a couch in front of all night raid Mine was sitting next to me.

Najenda: So mine tells us your name is Hiro correct.

Me: Yes my full name is Hiro Shizuki nice to meet you all.

Najenda: Mine's told us you quite skilled when you helped her dispatch the toad giving her trouble.

Lubbock:bwahahah that's hilarious Mine having trouble with a toad.

I was getting tried of Lubbock's badmouthing Mine.

I was getting tried of Lubbock's badmouthing Mine

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Me:What exactly are you laughing at?

This made him flinch Mine started blushing hearing me defend her.

Lubbock: Nothing man.

Lubbock: Nothing man

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Mine's affection + 10  (100/100)

Mine is now secretly in love with you.

Congratulations you have max out your affection with someone now Now romance quest is available.

Me:(romance quests?)

Histoire:(Yes a romance quest is a special quest only available when you max your affection with someone like you have Mine completing them gives you a special shared skill a shared skill is a skill that's shared between you your party and lovers.)

Me:(Wow that's amazing.)

Najenda:As amusing as it is seeing you scare Lubbock let's get back to business Mine has recommended you to me and that's something of a rarity.

I looked at Mine out of the corner of my eye she was blushing up a strom there.

Najenda: Hiro what is your weapon?

Me:Oh just this.

I summon my kingdom key which surprised everyone except for Mine.

Najenda:A key blade? I only seen very few but for another weilder to appear it's a miracle. I'm assuming this you only keychain you have for it.

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