Chapter 10: To Chungmuro Station;

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Chapter 10: To Chungmuro Station;

Chapter 10: To Chungmuro Station;

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Heewon stabbed her bone-made weapon into the floor while panting, same as almost everyone in the group.
"Arghhh.... Why are there so many monsters undergroundd...?" she groaned, "I thought it'd be a breeze since Chungmuro is only three stations away..."

"Let's rest here for a moment!" you called to the group.

You pulled a cloth out of your pocket dimension and wiped the sweat from your kids faces before throwing the cloth to Dokja, "pass it around."
He nodded and wiped the sweat from his face before passing it Hyunsung, who passed it to Sangah, who passed it to Heewon before it got back to you.

You all approached the platform of the station you were at after resting for a few seconds, climbing up and helping others get up before walking around the abandoned station.

"Looks like the people who were here left in a hurry," Dokja said, you finishing his sentence without realising. "We should see if they left anything of value behind."

Hong tugged at your sleeve tiredly. "Appaaa.. I'm hungry," he whined softly.

"Dokja-ssi, [Name]-ssi, why don't we just rest when we get there since it's the next station." Hyunsung said while looking back at you two.

Choi Han answered him instead. "We don't know if we'll be able to rest there, we should take every opportunity we can to rest our minds and bodies."

Hyunsung, Sangah, and the nameless child you picked up all flinched at this before Hyunsung nodded, "right... I'll go search the area to see if there's anything we can use."
"Right," Dokja nodded back, 'it sure is handy to have someone from the army at a time like this..'

You nodded in agreement to your partner's thought.

"Then shall we...?" Sangah nervously spoke up while looking at Heewon. Dokja stared at them as he wondered what they were talking about.
"What? You wanna come too?" Heewon offered teasingly. "No, you too go ahead. I really am slow-witted..."

"Heewon, please take Ohn with you," you called while pushing the girl forward a bit.
Heewon nodded while giving you a thumbs up.

"Oh! If we're having personal time, I'd like to go too!" Hyunsung poked his head into your view.

"Me too," Gilyoung called, poking up beside him.
"Me three!" Hong put up his hand.

As all the others left besides you and Dokja, you looked at the man, putting your hand on his shoulder. "Make sure to be careful when you go out Dokja."

"How did you..."
You grinned. "Like Gilyoung said, I know everything."


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