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MYSTERY #13: Are You Happy?



What...I don't know if I should be happy and celebrate, or upset to Tsukasa-nii. No, it's not like I hate this...person in front of me, but...

"Tsuki, how do you feel?" A familiar face, and a body with the same structure and height as me is right in front of me.

A seal with two different colors on her cheek and long dark brown hair. Wearing a uniform she always wear...

Tsuki---she now have her own body...

"Hmm...not bad...but not good either," she doesn't seem very happy about this. Her expression looks dull, and I can feel that she's not feeling well...

"Are...are you happy?" I asked. She stayed quiet and stare on the water inside the boundary. I don't know what she's thinking...

Should we tell Amane-nii about this? Well, I can't hide Tsuki forever. We need to tell this to Amane-nii...

"Akemi, let's go surprise Ama-nii," she turned her head to me and gave me a smile. This smile looks different...or is it because it's been so long since I've seen her smile and I'm not used to it now? No, that's not it. This smile looks forced, that's why it's different...

"A-are you sure?" I asked, she only gave me a nod and stood up.

"Oh...okay...let's go?" I asked.

I want to know how Tsukasa-nii entered the boundary, how he was able to turn Tsuki into this, and what exactly happened between the two of them while I was gone---

Tsk, I shouldn't have leave her here alone! Why am I so dumb!? I should have left one tsueshiro here to guard her...knowing that Tsukasa-nii's onto her core. But, I was confident in my boundary's security...no one should be able to enter it, even Tsukasa-nii shouldn't have a way to get inside, how did he do it?

I stared at the seal on her cheeks. Having a 2-colored seal means that her real body's still...sealed somewhere. So, how did Tsukasa-nii made this body for her? And how was he able to force Tsuki's core in that body?

The reason why Tsuki's seal have two colors is because she's also sealed like Amane-nii and I, plus she's my yorishiro. That's how her seal became like that.

I'm really curious with a lot of things, but this time is not the right time to ask her. She looks...terrified, but chose to hide it.

I'm really an idiot...



All of the people inside the bathroom looked at Tsuki with their eyes widened. Of course, they are surprised, this is the very first time they're seeing us together like this, with Tsuki having her own body.

"Rei...?" Amane-nii stared at her. I don't know what his expression means, he doesn't seem very happy with it...

"Hehe...how do I look?" Tsuki scratch the back of her head and forced a smile at Amane-nii.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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