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Today, the students of the First Imperial College discovered that the two that had not been seen for several days reappeared at the school gate.

It's still so sticky, but it seems to be different?

Xie Ruan was the same as usual, "staying in bed" in Celtic's arms since home, until he got off the spaceship at the school gate and opened his eyes.

"Ruan Bao? Baby? If you don't come down, you'll be late again."


Xie Ruan reluctantly slid down from Kyle's arms, holding her but unwilling to let go.

What is it like to have a clingy baby in your arms?

Celtic almost softened his heart. He wanted to just carry him home like this. What did he learn? What class do you have? ?

But no, the little guy still needs to study more at school and play more with his companions, which is good for the physical and mental health of the little male.

"But I really can't bear you..."

Xie Ruan tried to be coquettish, but when he met the female's gentle but uncompromising eyes, he knew it was useless.

"Okay, then can I kiss you again?"

The little guy looked at you with wet eyes, just to pray for a parting kiss, who can refuse?

As soon as she got the acquiescence, Xie Ruan stood on tiptoe and kissed her.

Celtic put his hand on Xie Ruan's waist to support him, lest the little guy get tired... After

the kiss was over, Xie Ruan kissed him several times before he was willing to let go.

When the two finally separated and left each other, the surrounding Zerg suddenly became numb again. It turned out that this is the case, it is so, and I dare to go one step further! !


Xie Ruan hasn't come to school for a long time. Along the way, many Zergs are greeting Xie Ruan, concerned about why he hasn't come to school for so long, especially the group of female insects, who are eager to see through, and finally waited for this little cutie.

Whether Xie Ruan knew him or not, he smiled and nodded in response,

Surrounded by pure kindness without impurities, Xie Ruan felt that today's sun was particularly bright, which made him have a good mood for the day.

As soon as the thought came up, the bad thing came.

A menacing figure suddenly rushed towards Xie Ruan from the side!

Xie Ruan was afraid of the cold, and today he was overdressed, so he was unable to move, so he had no time to escape.

Seeing that he was about to be hit, a female insect hugged Xie Ruan away in time.

Xie Ruan looked at the guy who fell to the ground in shock.

"It's you!!!"

He found out that this guy was Lop Nur who had a previous festival!

Lop Nur looked unwillingly at Xie Ruan who was protected by the female insect.

He waited here every day, just waiting for today's opportunity. In fact, he didn't want to do too much, mainly because he didn't dare. Ruan punched him hard.

I didn’t expect that Xie Ruan, who was alone, was still unsuccessful. It’s a good idea. This is just the junction of the two districts. Females can’t come here, and Xie Ruan came late. At this time, the males are basically in the classroom. He's dead, no one can save him!

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