Chapter Thirteen - Horcruxes, Liquid Luck, and Giant Spider Funerals

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Ever since Draco and Hermione made up, he has been having an overwhelming feeling of guilt. Guilt for what he was quietly doing in the shadows of night, guilt that he's been lying to Mattheo this entire time, guilt that he finally got the girl but he was about to ruin it over stupid choices he made during heartbreak. The guilt was trying to swallow him whole, he needed to confess, confess to the only person who could help him.

He quietly made his way to Mattheo's room, he snuck inside trying to wake him. Emma's arm was resting on him as she started to stir. "Mattheo your cousin is trying to wake you" she mumbled out before turning to face the other way. Mattheo groaned as he pulled her back to him by her waist.

"Can this wait until morning?" he grumbled.

"No" Draco says plainly.

Mattheo leaned up kissing Emma on her forehead before getting out of bed and throwing on a pair of sweats. They walked to the common room which was completely empty now, no signs of a party anywhere. Mattheo yawned looking over to his cousin concerned. It wasn't like Draco to wake him in the middle of the night.

"What's going on Dra?" he asked him.

Draco couldn't even look at him, he was so ashamed. "I have a new mission." he informs him, Mattheo cocking his scarred eyebrow curiously. This was news to him, he's always been made aware of any missions his Father gives out. But then again, Emma has mentioned something about Draco and Snape involved in something.

"Actually it's not really new, I've been working on it since Christmas break."

Mattheo kept his composure. He wasn't going to let Draco see how shocked he was. "The Room of Requirements, it has a vanishing cabinet just like the one at Borgin and Burkes. I was tasked with repairing it so I can smuggle death eaters into the castle." he tells him watching his cousin carefully. His fist comes up to his lips, the pressure keeping him from saying something in the heat of the moment.

"Why?" he asks Draco.

"They want me to kill Dumbledore." Mattheo's eyes shoot to his cousin and oldest friend.

"Dra you can't." he warns him as Draco starts to crack. "It's been eating me alive. I've tried to....tried to fix this but." Draco rubs his hands over his face.

"Is this why you have an unbreakable vow with Snape?" Mattheo watched as Draco's head snaps back in shock.

"How did you..." Draco starts but Mattheo stops him.

"Harry told Emma he overheard your conversation with Snape at the Christmas party. She didn't tell Harry what it meant, she covered for you. She wanted me to warn you, tell you to be careful."

Draco shook his head "I never wanted her getting involved in this." he admits.

"She's a Potter, Draco. She's been involved since the very beginning." he watches his cousin, he should have known something more was going on. He thought it was just heartbreak.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Mattheo questions him.

"I was so angry that Hermione chose Harry over me. I just wanted to get back at him. I didn't stop to think about Emma. I'm sorry Mattheo." Draco watches his cousin stand up from the couch.

"Don't keep anymore secrets from me. But understand me when I say this, if this mission backfires and Emma is caught in the cross hairs it will be your blood I'll be coming for." Mattheo warns him as Draco nods, words caught in his throat watching his cousin turn away and walk back to his dorm.

Emma, Mattheo, Pansy, Theo, and Enzo were all eating breakfast together the next morning. Blaise has been occupied the last few breakfasts with Daphne Greengrass. Emma had been keeping an eye on her brother more frequently, she noticed Harry get up to talk to Katie Bell, it was rather curious as to what he would want with her. She supposed to find out if Katie could point the finger at Draco.

War, Love, and Riddle //Mattheo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now