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 Carter and Huxley met early that morning to practice their act without the safety harness this time. 

" Are you sure? I want to make sure you haven't changed your mind" 

"I'm sure. I want this"

Carter smiled " Alright I'll help you up the bar then we can start" 

Carter put on his blindfold and hung upside down " Okay remember you let go of the bar on the third swing" 

As he hung upside down, he counted the swings, ready to catch Huxley. Finally, he counted to three and when he put his hands out he felt Huxley's hands in his. They had done it. 

" YES! That was good" 

" Carter! Get down here" Charlotte's voice echoed 

Carter pulled Huxley up before pulling his blindfold down and jumped off the bar "I'll be right back" He told Huxley 

"What's up?" He asked Charlotte as Charlotte pulled him away so that Huxley wouldn't hear them

" What do you think you are doing? Why are you bringing Huxley into this act? It's dangerous" 

" Well... he volunteered. He's good at it." 

" I don't care. He is going to get hurt. Do you forget he's blind?"

" So what? We do our act blindfolded anyways" Carter defended 

" That is much different. We can take ours off to practice or if something goes wrong. He can't!" 

" Have some faith in him. He doing really well" 

"It's not that I don't have faith in him I know he can do stuff it's just-" She was cut off

" You don't have faith in me? Is that it?" He questioned 

"It's not that. I just. I don't want to see him get hurt" 

Carter stayed silent for a moment " Ring master already approved this. We are performing." 

" Carter!" 

She was ignored as he walked back over to the bars to continue rehearsing

Charlotte made her way to the ringmaster with many concerns but she was quickly shut down. It seemed as if she was the only one with this problem. 


"Enough. This new pairing has caused tickets sales to increase. We are doing this" Ringmaster confirmed 

Charlotte sighed before making her way over to her friends with her concerns 

"No way Huxley is performing your act. Isn't that really dangerous?" Scarlett gasped 

"That's what I've been telling everyone. But my parents seem okay with it. Ringmaster is thrilled with the idea" Charlotte explained 

"Honestly. My dad would be thrilled with anyone doing it as long as the show goes on" Jason scoffed

" I think it's ridiculous." Roxxane agreed with Charlotte

"I'm just worried about Huxley. Me and Carter have been training for years, Huxley and Carter only for a few days." Charlotte shared her concerns 

"Well you heard my dad. Show must go on" Jason began " You just have to accept it and hope for the best"

Charlotte smiled and nodded. 

The doors opened with crowds of people flooding in to see this new act. With Charlotte no longer performing she sat in the stands watching all of her friends acts. She had never really sat and watched them as she was always too busy backstage getting ready for her show. She was amazed at their acts. 

She watched as Roxanne bent her body in half, she knew Roxanne was flexible, but this was a whole new level. 

She watched Scarlett and her brother Thomas jump in and run around fire in their wheel. She wondered how they could both be so confident playing with fire with no protection at all. 

She watched closely as Jason and another member rode their bikes around the dome that was surrounded in fire. She was mesmerized on how both bikers managed to avoid crashing into each other. 

She has lost herself in the show that she forgot how worried she was to watch the blind knights act until they were actually on stage ready to go. She sat forward in her seat praying for the best. She watched as Carter and her father managed to catch their partners every single time. With every time they caught them, she felt so much relief. After their set, everyone made their way home as she made her way backstage to see her family. She saw how happy they all were. She realized, they didn't need her. She had been replaced.  

She smiled softly before sneaking away unnoticed to the garden where they kept their trailers for when they traveled to different cities.  She knew she was not allowed out after hours without ringmasters permission but she just wanted some air. She sat out in the cold 1 am air  for a while thinking about what was next for her. What would she be doing for the next three weeks to get her mind off of everything. Her thoughts were quickly interrupted when she heard footsteps getting closer. She assumed it was ringmaster 

"I am so sorry-" 

"It's alright. Its just me" Jason smiled 

" Oh hey mini ringmaster" Charlotte chuckled

"Never that. You'd make a good mini ringmaster, you should actually look into that. Would be a great way to pass the time" Jason suggested 

"You think so?" Charlotte asked 

"Yeah" Jason smiled " Oh hey happy birthday by the way" He said as he pulled out a small bag of cheese it's

Charlottes face lit up "How did you get these!"

"I have my ways " Jason chuckled 


The day Jason first arrived at the circus at the age of 16 the first person he met was a very outgoing 15 year old girl who seemed to be very interested in his snack bag. 

"What are those?" She asked curiously pointing at a small red bag 

"Oh these? They are cheese it's. You can have them" He smiled handing them to her

As soon as she took a bite her face lit up " Wow these are amazing!"

"You've never had a cheese it before?" He asked 

"Nope never. Your dad doesn't provide those here" 

~present time ~

"Thank you" Charlotte smiled 

Jason smiled " We should probably head inside. Its late and my dad might murder of for being out here"

"You're right" Charlotte hurried in 

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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