Simply Jealous [Pietro Maximoff]

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Simply Jealous

A/N: Can you do one where pietro gets jealous and hasn't admitted his feelings for you yet, so he acts like an asshole and you finally question him and he's all shy and acute about it aos since it's his first time being jealous

Note: Requests are very much open.

(Y/L/N) - Your last name

Somehow, Pietro Maximoff was a complete asshole. He'd always mess around with you, or just be downright rude. It made it seem even more odd because he was completely normal with everyone else.

You sighed as he rolled his eyes at you before going over to Wanda. You admit you were very jealous of the younger Maximoff, always on Pietro's good side.

"Good evening, (Y/N)." Natasha smiled. You chuckled and motioned for her to sit. You were all currently at one of Stark's parties again.

"So, how's your time with Speedy?" You blushed. Natasha knew about your secret crush on Pietro.

You shrugged honestly. "He still hates me."

"Well we don't know." Natasha smirked and raised an eyebrow. "It could be his form of jealousy."

You nearly choked on your drink. "What kind of jealousy is that? No offense Romanoff but I think you're extremely wrong."

She rolled her eyes. "Please (Y/N), I know everything. Do you wanna bet?"

You sighed when you saw her victorious smile. "Not yet... But I still think you're wrong."

"Whatever you say, (Y/L/N)


So far the party was actually pretty good. You were talking to Wanda and Clint. Suddenly, Pietro zipped by. You sighed, bracing yourself for the worst.

"Hello Wanda, Barton...." He said, purposely avoiding you. You clenched and unclenched your fists. Okay, this was enough!

"Pietro, why do you hate me so much?'

Wanda gave her brother a knowing look while Clint looked just as curious. His stoic face faltered slightly.

"Why? Why do you hate me so much?" You repeated. He shrugged honestly.

"It's complicated."

"I don't believe it's that complicated."

He sighed. He suddenly took your hand and you were off.


You looked at your surroundings once he slowed down. You were in the living room which was currently empty. You crossed your arms.

"So?" You raised an eyebrow. He sighed.

"You'll never forgive me for this." He said quietly. Your eyebrow rose even higher.

"Woah, Pietro Maximoff using that tone with little old me?" He sighed in a guilty manner this time.

"I mean it it's just.... It's.." He started to blush. You leaned in curiously. "What was that?"

"It'showIshowmyjealousyandIjustreallydon'tknowhowtoshowitbecauseit'smyfirsttimewithyou." He talked very swiftly, hoping you wouldn't catch it, but you did. You were smirking but at the same time shocked. So Natasha was right! You decided to go with your snarky instinct, though.

"So you actually like me, huh? Am I too perfect for you huh Pietwo?" You baby talked him and pinched his cheek, making him blush even harder but attempt to roll his eyes.

"Y-yes and I didn't want to be teased by the others so I tried t cover it up with hatred and-" You nodded your head in understanding, though you were still a little surprised,

"You know, I always did take you as the jealous type, Maximoff."

"I- I'm just not used to it.... You are my first love." You had to admit your cheeks were heated.

You shrugged honestly. You then both decided to talk about it.

A few minutes after, you heard a throat being cleared and you saw Natasha. Now you were blushing.

"What did I tell you, (Y/N?)? I'm always right!"

A/N: Requests, follows, comments... Anything and everything is welcomed. Sorry for any typos or grammar errors as well. I hope you like it, anon!

P.S: To all those who sent those encouraging messages on Tumblr, thank you so much for e support.

P.P.S: I have school so I might not update that quickly.. But I shall be motivated if you send me requests, as well as ships

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