Letter for You [Steve Rogers]

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Letter for You [Steve Rogers]

A/N: Because I am depressed and crap, I am dragging all of you down with me lol jk. Tbh, this is one of the shortest imagines I have ever done...well, I personally think so, because it was a prompt of a 'Writer's Block Book' page I've read. Love lots though!

Disclaimer: mention of death. You have been warned.

You told yourself you couldn't handle any more grief.

The past two weeks have been hell. Scratch that, it was far more vicious than hell for you. Funerals, break downs, goodbye speeches.... they just weren't your thing.

And to top it all of,  it was all for him. Your darling, your captain, your Steve Rogers. Above all people, it just had to be him. Above all souls anxiety could reap, it had to be his. Above all lives that could be pulled away from you, it just had to be your Captain's.

Condolences, mourning fans, particularly a grief-stricken Coulson, 'we're sorry for your loss' cakes, and yes, those thngs actually exist, have been haunting your past waking days. It was getting too much for you. You couldn't comprehend why the heavens had to take him away from you.

Shakily, you entered his room. You always did this, yet today was a particular day where you were more nervous about going in there. You weren't ready to read the letter he had left behind for you, which was just on top of his favorite dresser.

You sat as comfortably as possible, bracing yourself for the worst. Though unable to stop the violent tremors your hands were experiencing, you opened the piece of parchment paper. You nearly cried just at the sight of his handwriting - gorgeous yet gentle, just like he was. You gulped, starting to read,

To my dearest sweetheart,
By the time you're reading this, I would've shot myself in the chest by now. I'm sorry, baby... I just can't handle it anymore. (Y/N), remember that I love you. Remember that I never wanted to hurt you by doing this. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to fulfill any of our dreams. I'm sorry I cant travel the world with you. I'm sorry I can't see you walk down that aisle, damn I'm an awful supposed husband. But do one favor for me, sweetheart... do this one thing that I have always failed to do... be strong. Be a warrior; don't let these demons called anxiety get to you like it got to me. You are an amazing person, a loving confidante, and the best soul in this whole damn universe. Use your talents, hon.. use them to grow and nurture yourself as a human. Also, even when I'm not here anymore, please don't forget me. Don't forget our memories together, because darling... at the end of the day, you will always be in my heart... In fact, your smile is still with me up in heaven (well, if Im even in heaven since I'm as hot as hell *insert wink*). Okayy Stark is influencing me again. Anywho, please remember (Y/N) that at the end of the day I'm never really gone...after all, a dead person is only dead when they become forgotten. Please don't be sad, I honestly forbid you to be. I know I'm in a better place now, sweetie, and you should remember that, too :). I want you to live; don't die along with me. I want you to enjoy your life, don't regret it like I did. Now smile, I want to see that golden smile of yours that would always serve as the shining star of my life. I know it's hard, but I want you to move on. I want you to find that perfect man for you, have kids ... but make sure they know who I am, alright? We can't not teach children about Captain America, now can we? Time will eventually help you heal, although how long that is, I can't answer. What I can tell you is that I love you, I love you so much (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). Thank you for being the summer of my autumn days, the light in my tunnel of darkness. I will miss you, my sweet. I love you
                                                                                                                      Your Steve.


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