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As I slam the door behind me, I hear the poor girl's sobs

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As I slam the door behind me, I hear the poor girl's sobs. It shouldn't bother me as much as it does. I don't take pleasure in keeping this woman captive, but she's a liability. Hopping into my car, I take off toward the mansion

I had to speak with Alessandro and figure out what to do with the girl. In my 24 years of life, I have always had one moral code. And it was to leave innocents out of my business.

As I pull up to the gate, security motions me in. I take a last drag of my cigar before placing it on the dish and stepping out of the car. I walk straight to Alessandro's office, avoiding any conversations.

I had too much on my mind and needed to get things squared away. I knock at the door before hearing Don call me in. Alessandro was in his late fifties, with graying hair and a few wrinkles.

I give him a nod of respect, "Ciao, Don." I greet in our native tongue. He cracks a smile, motioning for me to take a seat. Alessandro took me in when I was 14.

My father owed a great deal of debt before he passed. Being a man of my family's word, I worked off my father's debt and eventually moved up to be his right-hand man.

I didn't ask for my life to be like this, but I had a mother and three siblings to provide for back in Italy. This seemed like the most practical choice considering not many make it out of our small village. I send my family money every month and visit often. Clearing my head, I focus on the task at hand.

"We have a problem," I say bluntly. Alessandro sits back in his chair, touching his fingertips together. "And what problem is that, Elio?" He asks sternly. I shift in my seat a bit, growing nervous.

"A woman witnessed me handle Carlos, she also heard my name and who I work for." He lets out a frustrated sigh, "You know what needs to be done, Elio. Handle it." I nod my head, I knew it was the practical thing to do. But for some reason, it didn't sit right with me.

"What if she swears Ometra? You know I don't kill women, Alessandro." I say sharply. He may be my Don, but he was also my family and knew where I drew the line. He studies me briefly before responding.

"Have you taken a liking to this woman, Elio?" He asks, surprise etching his features. I feel my blood run hot, I was not a one-woman man. I liked indulging in my pleasure and my fair share of women, what he was insinuating was ridiculous.

I let out a scoff, "Absolutely not. I need a maid, she's broke and needs a job. Matter closed." I say simply, growing frustrated. Alessandro nods, holding his hands up in surrender.

"It was just a question." He says with a shrug of his shoulders. "I'll think about it. For now, keep a close eye on her."

Taking my leave, I head back home. It was well past midnight as I step through the door. Walking up the stairs two at a time, I stop at the third floor.

The only people allowed up here were Maria and myself. Now my little bambola slept peacefully a few doors down from me. I walk over to her door, creeping it open quietly.

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