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Elio's face fills with hurt as the words leave my mouth

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Elio's face fills with hurt as the words leave my mouth. As much as I wanted to say I could stomach this life and be with him, I knew it was a lie. I didn't escape my world of violence to be thrown into his.

I just want a normal life. "I-I love you, Elio. I do." I say, placing my hand on his. When I heard those words leave his mouth, it made my heart constrict.

"We both know I was never meant to fall in here." I finish softly, dropping my gaze. Tears threatened to fall, but I had to stay strong in my choice.

I almost lost my life tonight, it was the scariest experience I had ever been through. Elio doesn't say anything, just nods his head.

"Giana will help pack your things and take you to the airport as soon as the doctors allow you."

With that, he stands and walks out of the room. As the door closes behind him, I let my tears fall.

Somehow, someway, Elio burrowed his way into my heart. His touch left burning scars on my skin.

It makes me cry harder thinking about what could've been for us. My door opening causes me to wipe my face. Giana comes into view, her eyes filled with worry.

"Lina! I'm so glad you're OK." She throws herself on my bed, wrapping me in a gentle embrace. "Are you alright? Why are you crying?"

I try to gather my words but they refused to come out. Laying my head against her shoulder, I cry out my built-up emotions.

For hours Giana stays by my side, soothing me. "I told Elio he had to let me go." I sniffle out.

She doesn't say anything at first, just clutches to me tighter. "I get it, Lina." She says softly, her voice cracking. I feel a tug on my heartstrings.

It may have been a short time, but I had developed a friendship with her. Eventually, we drifted off to sleep.

I spent days in the hospital, healing and saving up my energy. When I was finally released, Elio kept his word.

Giana picked me up and took me back to the house. My heart pounded in my chest as I glanced around, looking for him.

"He isn't here. He disappeared after that night." Giana says behind me, noticing my gaze. A small frown reaches my lips, where could he be?

I shake my head, this is what I wanted. "I wasn't looking for him," I say dismissively while walking up the stairs.

Reaching the door, I hold my breath. For the last few months, this has been where I was staying. Now, I was heading back to my old life.

This is what I wanted, right? Opening up the door, I go about packing my things.

A feeling of sorrow washes over me. What is wrong with me? I just got shot because of the life he's involved in.

Catching a glimpse of the bed tears well in my eyes. Just a week ago, Elio and I were rolling around in each other's blissful embrace, like a normal couple.

Except we weren't a normal couple. I was held hostage, shot, almost sold off, because of him.

My mind tells me to run, run as fast as I can before I got swept away in the current that is Elio.

But my heart aches, feeling as if he took a piece with him.

On the drive home, I think about what Lina had said

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On the drive home, I think about what Lina had said. She was right. I needed to let her go. My brothers and Giana stayed behind wanting to comfort Lina.

I felt like I couldn't breathe the longer I sat there. I had never let a woman crack my icy exterior. But Lina found a way to bury herself in every crevice.

Pulling into my house, I notice my mamma's car gone. Weird. She doesn't usually like to leave at night. Shrugging it off, I step through the doors.

The house is dark, no longer offering me that welcoming feeling. Slipping off my jacket and dress shoes, I head towards the kitchen to grab a water bottle.

I stop in my tracks as I spot a male figure sitting in my dining room. Alessandro. I never made sure he was dead. "I'm so disappointed in you, Elio. I treated you like a son." I hear him hiss out.

Walking over cautiously, I keep my hand on my gun. Alessandro smacks his teeth. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

I freeze, not knowing what he meant. "One wrong move and I have my men take out your precious mamma." My face pales, blood rushing to my ears.

"Alessandro, I'll do whatever you want. Just leave them out of this." I breathe out.

"I know you will, Elio. If you don't, I'll take everything you value in this pitiful town. Including that pretty little thing."

My blood boils at the mention of Lina. "Grab your things." He barks out. Obliging, I rush up the stairs.

As I reach Lina and I's room, her faint smells of mint and lavender fill my senses.

I feel a pang in my chest but quickly push it aside. Throwing my things together, I head back into the dining room.

Alessandro sat in the same position with a bored look on his face. "Where is my mamma?" I ask him, balling my hands into fists.

"Safe. Don't worry, Elio. You know I would never bring Amelia into this." He smirks a disgusting smile.

Since I was young, he's made plenty of advances on my mamma. She wouldn't hear of it, claiming she was married for life.

Walking out to his blacked-out truck, I throw my things in the back and get in silently. How did I not notice the truck?

As I'm about to shift my focus to Alessandro, I feel a heavy hand wrap its arm around my chest and a sharp sting.

"W-what's-," I try to get the words out, but couldn't. Slowly, I feel myself slipping away into the darkness.

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