Chapter 1 - The Way of the Ninja

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3rd P.O.V
'To forge the perfect weapon, you first need the right metal and plenty of heat. Cool it off... and... presto!' The spiky-haired boy then sighed, as he brought out a bent sword.

The girl beside him laughs, 'You made it too quickly, Kai. Be patient. If Father was still here, he'd say-'

'I know. No matter how much fire you have, experience isn't something you learn over night. That may work for you, Nya, but I'm gonna be a better blacksmith than Dad ever was.'

Then, an elderly man entered the shop. 'Hmm... your metal is loud and heavy. Useful to slow one down. Useless in the art of stealth. All tools for a samurai, but nothing for a ninja?' He asked.

'Ninja? Huh, you're a long way from finding a ninja in these parts, old man, and the shop is called 'Four Weapons', not 'For Browsing'. Either buy something or go peddle your insults somewhere else.' Kai said, annoyed with the elder.

'Ha! Too bad. Thought I'd find something special here.' As the elder said this, Nya motioned for Kai to show him around, but as Kai was about to ask, the elder disappeared, and a strange dark cloud appears over the town, of Ignacia, the same town of Four Weapons.

✨Small Time Skip✨ 1st P.O.V - (Y/N)'s
I had watched the three new recruits from afar during the days my Uncle asked me to keep low and quiet.

I can tell you one thing.

They were awful.

They kept arguing with each other, and on top of that their form was horrible. I didn't learn their names, and they usually kept their masks on so I haven't seen their faces. None know of my existence yet. They were also very loud.

I was, to be honest, quite bored. I hadn't slept for quite a few days, with the impeding doom of my Father returning to this realm. My Uncle also insists that I keep the identity of my Father hidden from the rest when I meet them as well, which I agree with. Knowing that someone's father is the 'Dark Lord' doesn't give off a great light or anything.

My Uncle also explained that when he brought in the fourth newest member, he would tell all five of us our elements. I don't know whether to be exited or anxious. The question I've had for years will finally have an answer, and yet... What if I don't live up to those expectations? What if I fail and I watch everything around me crumble into dust? I don't know if I'm ready for that answer.

My Uncle also explained to me that the fourth member will be kept separate from the rest, and neither groups will know of each other. Honestly? I don't know why. But, because of also keeping my father a secret, I must refer to my Uncle as 'Sensei'. Great.

And somehow my Uncle did it. He separated both groups, and neither knew about each other. I knew the fourth person. It was Kai, master of Fire. Did I mention that to use my power I had to see the person's face? Well, now you know. Anyway, he was as horrible as the rest.

My Uncle managed to keep them all separate, until Kai 'passed' his test, couldn't sleep and was ambushed by the other three. Somehow he beat them, I don't know how. I climbed onto the wall behind them, to hear the conversation going on.

'Stop!' My Uncle commanded them.

'Yes, Sensei.' The three reciprocated to him.

'Wait a minute, they're your students too? This was my final test, wasn't it?' Kai seemed very confused, understandable.

'Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! You never said anything about a fourth. It's always three. Three blind mice. Three musketeers. Three-' This was the blab mouth of the group, I noticed. Constantly talking, never shut up. He gave me a head ache.

'Uh, what he's trying to say, Sensei Wu, is that the three of us have trained together. We're solid.' This guy seemed the most rational of the group, unless there was cake, or any sort of food.

'Master, what is the meaning of this?' This guy, he was strange. Hardly spoke a lot and and didn't understand humour well.

My Uncle then uses his Spinjitzu to change the colour of gi of the ninja, and gave them their respective weapons.

'Whoa!' Kai exclaimed.

'How'd he do that?' Now I get it, it's Cole.

'Whoa, look what colour I am!' Blab mouth exclaimed.

'Wait a minute, I'm still black.' (👀) Cole said.

'Kai, Master of Fire. It burns bright within you.'

'Jay is blue, Master of Lightning.' Makes sense for blabber.

'Heh, that's not all I'm the master of, I do a little inventing, a dabble in model, a touch of cooking, a little poetry-'

'More like 'Mouth of Lightning'.' I actually grinned at this.

'Black ninja is Cole, solid as a rock, Master of Earth.

'Nice to meet you, kid. I got your back, and for the record, there ain't nothing in this world I'm afraid of.' Cole says this to Kai, but he's interrupted by another.

'Except for dragons.'

'Dragons aren't from this world, Zane. I said in this world.' Fair point. Or is it?

'And white ninja is Zane, Master of Ice, and seer with sixth sense.' As my Uncle says this, Zane uses his shurikens and then puts them away.

'I sense this one takes things a little too seriously.' Kai really can't shut up either.

'You too have the gift?' He's so innocent.

'He's just making a joke, Zane. Remember what we talked about? Your sense of humor? Huh?' Jay asked.

'Yes, it was a joke. Haha.' A little better, but Jay shakes his head in disappointment.

'Pay attention! You five are the chosen ones who will protect the Four Weapons of Spinjitzu... From Lord Garmadon.'

There were two replies to that message, oh, and by the way, Wu also changed my gi, it was now a deep purple, almost black, with many colours on the sash.

'Fifth, Master?' At least someone cares, thank you Zane.

'But what about my sister?' Kai's missing the point isn't he?

'We're saving a girl? Is she hot?' Jay isn't either.

'Jay...' At least Cole can bring them back, right?

'I-I just wanna know what we're getting ourselves
into. Does she like blue?' And back to it again, Jay.

'Back off!' At least Kai's protecting his sister.

'When we find the weapons, we will find your sister. But first, your fifth teammate.' Wu is great isn't he?

'Sup.' Great first start, (Y/N). You really gotta do that.

All faces then turned to me. I'm being pressured. Not great.

'Oh, great, who's this guy? Four was bad enough sensei, but now five?' Shut it, Jay. I glare at him and he does.

'(Y/N)?!' Both Kai and Cole say together.

'Wait, you know each other?' Zane questions.

'Sorta.' I answer, 'Anyway, my names (Y/N), nice to meet you, and I already know your names, I've been here the whole time.'

Before anyone can answer, my Uncle interrupted, 'This is (Y/N),' Like I haven't already said, 'He is as stealthy and as quick as death, and he...'

'...Is the Master of Death.'

Word Count: 1224 Words

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