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Izuku was in his dorm room rethinking about the night that had transpired a week ago his hammer went missing but made subtle appearances in the news taking down multiple villains but the bearer was still unknown meanwhile Melissa's health had taken a sharp turn for the drastic.

Izuku was helping her heal doing his best but Melissa had rejected Asgardian magic saying she wants to die freely and that is what makes life special that you die once and not again and again.

The world had seemingly returned to normal if that could be said there were fewer and fewer villains around the world no supernatural entities people going to office and to school.

SCHOOL Izuku shot out of his chair remembering what he had to do today.

He hopped in the shower getting dressed in his school clothing and he was off walking through the corridor.

He was met with Momo standing outside the room "Why did you not go in yet?" "I was waiting for you" She then held out her hand to him "Let's go in together." "Yea."

They open the door as two pieces of chalk hit them in the head at the same time as Aizawa had thrown two files at their faces as well.

"You're both late detention complete this work for me."

Izuku grabbed the file looking inside he then bowed to his teacher apologizing as he grabbed Momo's hand and dragged her away.

"What is it Izuku?" "Aizawa sensei has given us a secret mission we have to rescue a girl from a cartel selling quirk-related drugs."

Momo chuckled "Well Aizawa sensei just knows what his students need to feel better." "Yea, that he does. Get ready."

"I am already in my hero outfit, but what would you wear." "Asgardian clothing a shirt some pants and a cape." As he changed his clothes with magic Momo whistled.





Izuku and Momo were currently walking through the sewers when Momo's tracker gave them the heads up.

Izuku looked up seeing a Manhole he jumped up using OFA and then began to float as he used black whip to slowly lift the manhole and Momo as they got out of the place they found themselves in a storage room as they exited they realized they were not messing with a low-time organization by the looks of it this was a seriously well-funded facility they began walking through the corridor as Momo guided them using her tracker.

Izuku got curious "How are you tracking the girl?" "I got some of her blood work and am tracking the radiation emitted by her DNA." "I see I picked the right girl.

Izuku then turned the corner that lead to the girl's room as he spotted two guards and used OFA to speed-blitz them both knocking them out.

"Momo get the girl and leave immediately." "Why?" "My danger sense is tingling, we must have set off some sort of alarms and someone strong is coming to get the girl and leave."

Suddenly Izuku pushed Momo to the side as a stone spike went by embedding itself in the door and opening it.

Izuku turned around facing the Man dressed in black with a bird mask. "Overhaul?" "Izuku Midoriya you've come to die." "Well been there done that but nah I am here to save the girl."

Just then Momo got out of the room with a scared Eri in her hands who was hiding her face from Overhaul. "Eri, you don't want these good people to die do you." "SHUT UP!" The voice surprised Overhaul as it came from Eri who looked at the man still in tears "I Believe they will save me." 

Overhaul gets angry as he looks at the ground "Well I think I will have to break her again, so thank you so much." He got ready to touch the wall but was punched in the gut breaking the already existing spikes and sending Overhaul into the wall at the end of the corridor.

"She said Shut up. So shut up. Momo take her and leave." Momo nodded and ran away with Eri in her hands.

"Well, now time to deal with you Overhaul." Izuku was about to kick Overhaul in the face when a giant blue hand came through the wall and pulled him through into a large opening with a water channel flowing in the middle.

Izuku was then thrown to the other side of the room he landed on the ground looking ahead he saw "Frost Giants how convenient."

Izuku then summoned the axe from his hand straps.

"I get to slay giants today." He then rushed at them easily outclassing them with OFA his Asgardian genes and hand-to-hand talent until Overhaul joined in gracing Izuku's stomach from the side with one of his biggest spikes.

Izuku was then forced to slow down and think about his movements due to the pain and blood loss, Izuku then gritted his teeth 'Screw it." He then went 70% OFA and started flying off the walls like a pinball defeating the Giants left and right until one of them opened a small casket releasing ice cooling the environment and covering the floor in snow.

'Casket of ancient winters. This could be bad' Izuku then threw his axe at the box attempting to destroy it but the axe was caught mid-air.

This caught Izuku off guard as stone blocks came from the sides squishing him and making him dizzy as he was falling from the air a Frost Giant grabbed both of his hands holding him in the air like Jesus as a man revealed himself to have stopped the axe as he undid his invisibility.

His face was divided into two colors one off-white and the other black same with his hair and two long pointy ears.

"Malekith! King of the Dark elves so you are the mastermind." "Who else it could be and what better time Asgard has just returned I get to squirmish it odin along with it and you the champion of Asguard are not worthy of your hammer."

Overhaul laughed as he stood beside Malekith "I get to experiment with him now give him to me, we had a deal." "No he needs to deliver the msg to Odin and also tell him his worst mistake is on its way I will wait until he has dealt with it. Don't want to kill Odin while he faces his biggest fear let him heal then we shall Begin With THE WAR OF THE REALMS."

"But Malekith we had a deal I get to experiment on him" "You will get your chance again meanwhile I got something else for you." He then hands him a vile containing black goo. 

Izuku screamed, "Where did you get that?" "From your friend Venom who else? Don't worry I left him alive he must already be in UA with recovery girl. Now if you are so worried about him why not send you to him." He then threw the axe cutting Izuku's right arm off from the middle of the bicep. Izuku screamed in pain and the frost Giant let go of him letting him fall on the floor beside his axe Malekith then came and took his arm with him as he vanished along with all of his accomplices.





Several minutes later Several Heroes came through the walls and doors only to find Izuku laying Unconcious in the middle of the room covered in the snow his wound cauterized by the ice.


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