Part 5-Ratnavali

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 Anika sat up, clutching the bedclothes to her chest. She ran her eyes around the room but could see no one. Stillness lay over the room. Maybe, it was just an unusual dream. She lay down again, pulling the blanket up to her chin.

"Ratnavali....." the voice floated again into her consciousness.

Slowly, she opened her eyes. A slight movement near the window drew her attention. Was someone there or was that just the curtain fluttering in the breeze?

Anika wasn't the type to be easily scared by anything, but the voice calling the name had seemed too real, though it was no more than a whisper.

"Who is it? Show yourself?" she called out, alert now.

Still nothing. No one answered her query. Utter stillness had fallen in the room. Somewhere outside, a jackal howled. A slight breeze, like a cold finger, touched her cheek. Anika put on the bedside light, washing the bed in brightness, but the shadows in the corner grew darker. She picked up the phone. It was nearly two at night. The time difference was perfect. She would call Michael.

Michael picked up the call on the third bell.

"Anika, at last! I was dying to hear from you, baby...." Michael exclaimed.

"Now you have, sweetheart. I miss you already, though it has been quite interesting up till now. I have the best suite in the hotel, the Princess Suite."

"So you should. You're no less than a princess."

'Do you fancy yourself as Prince Charming?" she teased. It was so good to hear Michael's sane voice. Her fears seemed so baseless now, the result of her imagination being in overdrive in such surroundings.

"Of course. Am I not?"

Anika laughed. "My friends think you are. They sure do envy me."

"See, how right they are. Now, don't you go looking for any princes over there? By the end of the month, I want you back in my arms."

"I will be, I promise." All of a sudden, she wanted to be back with Michael, enjoying their lighthearted banter and his passionate kisses.

"I'll hold onto that promise, darling. Now, I have to run. Got a meeting with my banker." Michael rang off, and she lay there for some time, thinking of him.

It was true, she thought. Distance did make the heart grow fonder. She could well imagine him near her, his blond good looks, dreamy blue eyes, and tall, athletic body. No wonder, her friends were jealous of her good fortune. Slowly, she drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep, and this time no voices encroached into her slumber.

"Miss, your breakfast."

Anika sat up, rubbing her eyes. It was eight o'clock, and sunlight streamed into the room from the open window. The room-service maid stood with a tray. Anika waved for it to be put on the bed. She had instructed the maid to wake her up in the morning. She planned to visit the small town that day and get a feel of the area.

The maid placed the tray with a rack of toast, sunny-side-up eggs, and a bowl of fresh fruits. There was freshly brewed tea to follow. A single blood-red rosebud lay on the neatly folded white napkin, monogrammed with the name of the hotel. She dug into the delicious repast, admiring the rosebud. It was a nice gesture by the hotel.

After a hurried shower, and dressing into denim and a tee shirt, with a straw hat on her head, Anika descended the stairs, walking into the foyer. The first person she met there was George.

"Good morning, Anika. I hope you had a good sleep," he greeted her with a smile on his boyish face.

"I did, thank you," she replied, charmed by the friendly grin spread across his face.

"What are your plans for today?" he asked her, pushing back the lock of ginger hair that had fallen on his forehead.

"I've planned to visit the town today."

"So had I, but I've been requesting the receptionist for the last hour, but no cabs are available, so I think, you too should drop the idea."

"Miss Anika," the chauffeur from the previous day approached her at that moment. "A ride has been arranged for you. Please come this way," he waved a hand toward the driveway.

Impressed by the long, black sedan waiting outside, she felt it would be rude, not to include George. She must remember to thank her travel agent when she returned. He was obviously better than George's.

"You're welcome to join me," she offered him, and he was quick to take up the offer.

They drove down the winding road, then traveled through the rocky, sandy countryside before the town came into view. A huge, blue lake occupied the center of the town, its surface placid and shining brightly in the sun.

The town itself consisted of small tenements, old buildings, and a vibrant market displaying various handicrafts. Beautifully colored scarves hanging outside the shops, glass bangles, jewelry of beaten silver, and a plethora of other attractive sights and scents greeted her senses. They browsed the shops, buying various souvenirs to carry home.

A woman who sat applying henna on women's hands attracted her attention.

"I would like that," she told George, asking him to wait, as she sat on the low chair while the woman took her hand and started drawing on it.

"Let me put the initial of your man on your palm," the old lady smiled, showing a gold-capped tooth.

Anika nodded, telling her Michael's name.

"There, that's all done," the woman said, wiping her hands with a henna-dyed cloth.

Anika stared fascinated at the intricate design, pleased with the result, then saw the prominent 'S' drawn on her palm.

"I told you to draw an 'M'," she said, paying the woman.

The old woman shook her head. "I heard you alright, my dear. I never make a mistake. Have been doing this for forty years."

Anika shook her head in resignation. The woman must be hard of hearing. It was no use arguing with her. She watched the initial again, smiling, musing how she would explain it to Michael. It would be a good idea to make him jealous. She should invent a phantom lover, she thought, chuckling to herself.

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