Part 27-Lea

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 The stillness of the night was broken only by the call of nocturnal animals. There was no moon in the sky, but it was lighted with a billion stars. A cool breeze blew through the trees, making the leaves clap.

"Are we there yet? Are you sure they are hiding here?" Shiven asked Uday, his voice barely above a whisper.

"They should be somewhere around here, sire, according to my information."

"I wonder how they managed to hide in our own town for so long. Zeke isn't so bright as to manage that," Shiven mused.

"It is that witch's work, sire. You know how cunning she is," Uday answered with a contemptible twist of his lips. He had seen his master fall under her spell, and he had been there when she had tried to finish him off. It was only his master's quick reflexes and his prompt help which had saved his lord's life.

Uday owed Shiven his life or rather his afterlife. His own brother had driven a dagger through him and left him for dead, after doing away with his wife and sons, and all for the lands which he coveted. Shiven had come across the dying man, converted him into a creature of the night, and helped him get his revenge. Uday would always be faithful to his master.

Shiven nodded, wondering how Anika might be faring. It was now clear to him that she was in peril. Had it been otherwise, she would have returned to the hotel by now. He had a gut feeling that Serena was none other than Lea. He just hoped that he wouldn't be too late to save his Anika like he had been too late to save his Ratnavali.

They were almost at the outskirts of the town, leaving behind the settlement and the markets which were so busy during the day with numerous tourists and locals frequenting them, but at the moment lay shrouded in darkness. Suddenly, clouds started to blanket the sky, floating overhead and obscuring the stars. The meager starlight that lighted their path was gone, leaving them in complete darkness. Of course, one advantage of being a vampire was that they could still see their path. They were, after all, creatures of the night.

Zeke pulled out the fob chain and glanced at the old-fashioned pocket watch, then turned to his sister.

"Do you think he will come? It has been hours now..." he commented, rubbing a hand over his knee. He fought to control the itch which plagued him. He hadn't had a woman in ages, and the one in the other room aroused his hunger. What wouldn't he give to take her on the dusty floor itself?

"Believe me, brother, he will. I know him better than you do," Lea replied.

Zeke let out a sigh of frustration, then resigned himself to wait some more. Lea saw the frown on his brow. Her brother was short on patience. He did not have the finesse that she had. She could wait an eternity for Shiven if it meant that she could have him in her clutches.

Lea sat down, busying herself in studying her nails. To the onlooker, she looked perfectly calm as she waited for her enemy to arrive, but only she knew what went on within her mind.

Lea remembered the day her brother had sent a plaintive call for help from the battlefield. She had rushed to save him, finding his body badly broken. His rib had punctured his lung and blood had filled his chest. He had lain dying in her arms, when her friend Marvan, a vampire, had changed him into one. In return, he had asked her to submit to his desires, something which hitherto, she had refused to do. Thus, she had found herself lying under him, as he had his way with her, unconcerned about her feelings.

That night, she had vowed to avenge the wrong done to her brother and to her. She would destroy King Shivendra and all that he stood for. She had laid out her plans accordingly.

She had had him followed, trying to gather as much information about him as she could. He was known to travel vastly. She had seen him on his tour of Europe and had contrived to meet, seemingly by chance, at a party thrown by another immortal.

Shiven had been drawn to her at first sight, falling prey to her sultry beauty and the spell she had cast. He had introduced himself, praising her beauty, and she had acted flattered. Of course, she had claimed to be a vampire too, just like him. She knew that he would be wary of a witch.

After a whirlwind courtship, they had become lovers, and she had accompanied him to his palace in Rajgarh. They had been inseparable for some time, Shiven never getting enough of her. They had spent days in bed, enjoying each other, and slowly, her desire for revenge had taken the backseat. Love had stolen into her heart, unknowingly, and she had found herself dreaming of a life with Shiven. Of course, she would tell him the truth, ask for his forgiveness, and they would start again.

That morning, she had been on cloud nine, when she had found herself pregnant with his child. A deep joy had filled her heart, with the promise of a new beginning. Her child would be so powerful, a mix of vampire and witch's blood. He would rule the world. She could not wait to share her news with him. She had approached him with a smile, love shining out of her eyes.

Shiven had been sitting in his room, staring out of the window, his forehead marred by a frown. He had asked her to sit beside him on the window seat, then had turned to her with a listless smile.

"Do you know, Lea, what day it is today?" he had asked.

She had shook her head, not having any idea what he was talking about.

"It is the day I married my beloved Ratnavali. Even after so many centuries, I can't forget my love for her."

"But she is dead, Shiven. She isn't coming back." Lea had hated even the name of the woman.

"You're wrong, Lea. My heart says that she will return to me someday. I had tried to love again and have a life with you, but I'm sorry, my dear. It just isn't working. I can't get her out of my mind and my heart. I can't love another."

A stunned silence had followed then, with Lea feeling the deadly pang of jealousy. The problem was that her rival was already dead, or she would have torn her to pieces. She had stayed silent on her news, hoping against hope to woo Shiven back to her bed, but it hadn't worked.

He had left on his quest, leaving her behind. Then, one fine day, he had returned, happiness clear in his eyes.

"You know, Lea, I had a dream last night. My Ratnavali is born again and waiting for me. Soon, very soon, she will be with me," he had said, a smile lighting up his face.

Lea had used her witchcraft and it was revealed to her that Shiven's dream was true. Her rival was born somewhere. The shock had been enough for her to lose her child. In her grief, she had attacked Shiven. If she couldn't have him, neither would that blasted Ratnavali. She would have killed him then, had he not acted in his defense and if not for his minion Uday coming to save him.

She had left, threatening vengeance, and had sworn to destroy Shiven and his woman. Now, she was so close to her goal. She couldn't wait to meet him. When would he come?

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