Toad trouble

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Far away a tower sat on the edge of a cliff, radiating power and was stained with the smell of blood.
Inside in his quarters was captain Grime, the most intimidating head of the southern toad tower in history. He won many battles in his time and slain many a enemy.
So why couldn't he defeat a unknown creature living in a cave?
He slammed his fist on the desk.
"This is stupid!" How was it possible every single soldier he sent couldn't defeat the stupid creature.

A sharp knock rang throughout the room. "State your name!"
"Captain Beatrix!" Grime came to the door and threw it open. "What do you want after all these years?"
Beatrix scoffed. "I came to run a inspection." Grime shot her a death glare."If your trying to make up for it then you can forget it. Now leave my alone while I figure out how to deal with this creature."
Beatrix looked at Grime.
"What creature?" Grime realized his mistake, but he knew Beatrix wouldn't stop until she had the details.

"There's been a creature in a cave on the south towers territory. It has the intelligence of the newt, being able to talk back. I've sent several soldiers to take care of it, but each time they come back covered in injuries."
Beatrix looked at a picture of the creature taken from afar on Grime's desk.
"Well maybe you don't have to get rid of it."
Grime was confused. "What are you talking about? We can't just leave a threat to the tower alone."
"What I'm saying is if this creature is as intelligent the reports make it seem, maybe you can strike a deal with it. Have it work for you."
Grime scoffed. "Like that would work."

'Stubborn as always.' Beatrix thought for a moment. "How about a deal dear brother?" Grime gave her a confused look. "If I you encourage that creature to join you, then I'll leave you alone."
Grime thought for a moment. "And what makes you think I want that creature to join forces with me?"
Beatrix chuckled. "Oh dear brother, you never look at the big picture. That creature could be you ticket to the rebellion you've always wanted."

Grime's face was full of rage. "You know your making hard to tell if your trying to make me mad or trying to apologize. Now get out of my sight."
Beatrix smirked and walked out of Grime's room. Who was looking out the window. 'Who does she think she is.' Later down in a cave a figure was cooking a big chunk of meat a toad dropped over a fire. '
"Stupid toads."
"I do hope your not talking about me."
The figure whipped her head up to see Grime standing in the cave entrance. "You take a step closer and you'll end up like the last soldiers that tried to come near me."

She tore the meat of her spear and held a tight grip on it. "You know i hear you've been giving my soldiers trouble, and yet you have the worst fighting stance I've ever seen. Feet to far apart, holding the spear wrong, and your center of gravity is too high."
The figure was getting mad. "It took down your soldiers easily enough."

"Trust me, I'm on a different level compared to the soldiers I sent before."

"And I assume you've come to try and kill me yourself?"
Grime chuckled. "Originally, but you've caught my attention for a different reason creature."

"I have a name, although I bet savages like you don't use names."

"Alright this is getting insulting. Stop making threats or I'll slice you in half."
Grime drew his sword from it's sheath. The setting sun behind him making him look ten times as intimidating.
The figure just chuckled. "I could knock you to the ground before you threw your first swing."

"As much as I'd like to test that, that's not why I'm here."

"Then why are you here?"

Grime put his sword away. "I want to have you join me." The figure stared for a moment, Then it broke out in laughter. Grime just stared.

"Oh your serious, yeah sorry buddy but I don't do teams." Grime smirked. "Oh I think I know how to change that."
The wind blew into the cave and the figures hood was blown off her face.
The figure was a girl with black hair, that was long enough to touch her shoulders and it was smooth as silk with blue eyes that were partly covered by hair resting on top of her face.

"Wow your ugly."

"YAAAAH!" The girl charged and threw herself at Grime spear first. Grime quickly dodging. She was caught be surprise, but she rotated and jabbed her spear at Grime.
"Look! You've harassed me enough while I've been stuck in another world, and now your coming here and making threats and insulting me to the face!"

The two began trading blows, the girl being able to land a few hits, but Grime was getting the most hits.

"UGH! What is your deal!?"

"If I remember correctly you attacked first, All I want is to make a deal." The girl gripped her spear harder.
"And why should I help you?" Grime slammed his sword into the ground. "I can help you get home, if you truly are from another world. And I can help you with whatever else you want."
The girl just looked confused.
Grime smiled. She was falling right in into his trap. "I am head of toad tower, we rule over toad valley. Whatever information there is on getting you home we can find."
The girl considered it for a minute. "And," Grime added. "If you join us, I may tell you whatever you want about another strange creature like you that was spotted last week."

The girl snapped to attention. If she was right about who it was, then this was perfect. "I'll do it, but I have some conditions."
Grime tapped his foot. "Be all means."
"Alright, first I want to see what the tower is like so I know what I'm going to be dealing with. Second, if I'm going to be doing something I'm not killing anyone. I have morals. And lastly, please tell me you guys have some cigarettes. I haven't had a proper smoke in two weeks."

"What's a cigarette?"

"You light it on fire so it has the inside burning, you inhale the smoke a bit then you blow it out."

"Oh! We have something similar to that. And the rest of your conditions are reasonable." 'This is going to take a LOT of patience.' Grime lead the girl to the tower.
"I believe I never got your name." The girl shrugged. "Call me Amelia." The two walked around the tower, with me made snapping to attention when captain Grime entered a room.
They entered the room Amelia would be staying in. And here's a "Cigarette". Don't do anything stupid. I'll have a tailor come by tomorrow and get your measurements for your armor.

As Amelia sat she lit the cigarette and began smoking. Letting her thoughts take over.
'Trust me Lucia, I will make you pay." Amelia didn't notice her eyes glow blue as she blew out another puff of smoke.

The next day Amelia had gotten out of that cloak she was wearing. Her bright blue T shirt was torn, and her gym shorts had seen better days. "Thank goodness I'm getting armor."
She pulled out another cigarette and lit it.
"Well I see your at it early." Amelia turned around to see Grime standing there with another toad. 'Tailor I assume.'
"Alright human lets do this. If I'm going to make this armor quick then lets get this done quick."

Soon the measurements were done and the tailor turned to face Amelia. "Now what style of armor do you want?"
"I just want something with this same blue color in a minimalistic style." The tailor nodded nodded and left.
"Really? That's what you went with?"

"Listen, I don't need much. I'm just out to gain one thing. Revenge." Amelia began puffing on a cigarette. Before coughing.
"Oh these ain't easy on the lungs."

"Then why do you smoke them?"

"Helps calm the nerves."

Grime just shrugged and left While Amelia continued smoking, with her mind left to think about what she was going to do. 'Take down Lucia obviously.' Then she stopped. 'Unless it's not even her.'
Amelia grabbed a second cigarette and began walking around the castle. As she walked she overhead chatter between to soldiers in a empty room.
"I'm sick of this! He treats us like crap, barley feeds us, and the beds are sh-"

"You know I'm not sure Grime would want to hear you saying that."
The toads whipped around. "Don't worry I'm not going to tell him, I agree with you on a lot of that, trust me I've seen this entire tower-" Amelia stopped to blow some smoke.
"But there's better ways of dealing with it then rebellion. I know from experience."

The toads looked at each other. "Tell you what," Amelia blew some more smoke. "I'll talk to Grime about it once I'm on his... Good side?does he even have one?"
The toads just shrugged. "Okay then, I'll see you two around."
Amelia walked off, with the toads just shrugging, not sure what to make of this encounter.
One thing was for sure, Amelia was going to bring around change.

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