Chapter 5: The First Time Travel

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With his heart pounding in anticipation, Max activated the time machine. The hum of the machine filled the air, and a vortex of energy enveloped him, transporting him to a different era—the past.

Max found himself standing in the familiar surroundings of his childhood home. The walls seemed to echo with the laughter of his younger self, and the memories of his loving parents flooded his mind. This was the moment he had been waiting for—the chance to change the course of history and save his parents.

Filled with determination, Max set out on a mission to avert the tragedy that had haunted him for so long. He was armed with knowledge of the future, and he believed that this would be the key to altering the events that had led to his mother's untimely demise.

His heart raced as he approached the day of his mother's death, ready to intervene and change the course of fate. But as he tried to warn his mother about the impending danger, a sense of helplessness washed over him. It was as if the events were already set in stone, and his attempts to alter them were futile.

Despite his efforts, tragedy struck once again, and Max's mother met the same fate as before. Once again, his heart sank, and tears welled up in his eyes as he realized that he was unable to change this part of the past.

A little bit later Max stumbled upon a shocking revelation. As he noticed, his father walked away from their house after approximate time of his mother's death, as well as woman who told Max about his mother.

With a sense of purpose, Max carefully examined every detail of the crime scene. He moved with a methodical precision, taking note of every clue, every subtle nuance that might shed light on the events that were about to unfold.

While investigating the crime scene, parents' bedroom, and searching for clues, he came across two boxes. One of them was full of fake documents, that Max had never seen before, and letters addressed to his father and all of them were sent by different women. Another box was full of scrap paper with his mother's handwriting.

His mother's "essays" spoke of suspicions and fears about his father's double life, a life that he had kept hidden from everyone, even from his beloved wife.

The more he explored, the more questions arose. Why had his father concealed his true identity and led a double life? What had driven him to such deception?

His father wasn't a man he had believed him to be. The revelations had shattered the image of a happy family, leaving behind a void of uncertainty.

The letters detailed the growing distance between Sofia and Daniel, the late-night absences, and the strange phone calls that left Sofia feeling uneasy. Max's mother had sensed that something was amiss, and she had confided her fears and concerns in these writings, unaware that they would one day be discovered by her own son.

As Max delved deeper into the hidden world of his father's secrets, a wave of anger caused by betrayal and cheating washed over him. He had adored his father, admired him for his brilliance and humor, and yet, Daniel had concealed a dark side from everyone.

In the midst of his grief and shock, a few days later Max confronted his father with the revelations he had uncovered. The once-reserved young man found his voice, demanding answers from the man he had once idolized.

Daniel, unable to deny the truth any longer, confessed to his double life. He told Max that Sofia's death was caused by heart attack, when she had seen him with one of their neighbours at their bedroom.

Max's heart shattered as he confronted the reality that his father had taken his mother from him, even though it happened accidentally. The man he had once respected was now a stranger, a perpetrator of a crime that had forever altered their lives.

He realized that the universe's laws were immutable, and no matter how much he longed to change the past, he could not erase the actions of his father that had led to his mother's death.

Now Max, controlled by emotions, not just haven't tried to save his father, but also blackmailed him, destroying his father's heart even more.

He understood that while he could not change the past, he had the power to shape the future. He vowed to use his knowledge and understanding of time to make a difference.

The time machine hummed to life once again, and he returned to the present, forever changed by the journey he had undertaken.

The boy who had once sought to change his past had now come to realize that some things were beyond his control. But in that realization, Max found a new purpose—a purpose to use his knowledge for good, to make a difference in the lives of others.

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