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The absence of wealth and respect is nothing compared to the absence of love - knowing that you were not made to be adored, that your life hangs in the precarious balance of the world, forever to be moulded to the whims of those around you. Fujino Kazue is a child who was brought into this world against her will. She screamed and clawed on the gates that separated her from life but the grip of the Fujinos was too much for her to bear, her fingers bloodied and voice drawn so hoarse that they thought her dead swaddled in thick blankets. Her voice bled from her lips when she begged the Heavens to let her die alongside her mother and was absent for years after, as if it mattered whether she spoke or not. She simply observes, tenderly cupping her broken heart with one hand splayed out in front of her in her best attempt to save the rest of  it, the cracks in her heart festering and pulsing until it is half decayed. She skulks, hovers, shadows everyone around her, brain ticking away like a steady bomb - decisive in its manoeuvre to take down everything if she can, a desire so strong it is the only thing that gives her life.

Tachibana Minato would like to watch the world that breathed him in existence burn, laugh at the scent of smoke and fire dancing around the buildings that house their oh so precious society. The need for vengeance sinks deep in his bones, his hatred of his own wretched clan spanning to their world that allows the so called righteous to sit in thrones made out of the bones of those they struck down and call forth decrees. They call for his blood, turning their faces away from the sight of the twelve year old boy kept down like a wild animal, yet their eyes still gleam with hunger for the power housed in his small form. Typical, he thinks viciously, bares his teeth in an errant smile that shows exactly what he thinks of the power that was handed to them, beckoning them forth with a desire to die if only to take the world down with him.

Neither of them were born with this desire to seek turmoil, to turn the world upside down, instead made into monsters through the cruelty of the actions of those around them. Neither of them will reject the power one offers to the other, sealing the bond they create in the dead of the night with hands slicked with blood, vowing to be beloved to another if they can not be to others.

 Neither of them will reject the power one offers to the other, sealing the bond they create in the dead of the night with hands slicked with blood, vowing to be beloved to another if they can not be to others

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