-chapter 17-

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london's pov-

it's officially been 5 years since we adopted the twins, since then we adopted another baby. a little boy, his name is mason.


i started recording.

london- good morning everyone! so today i will be filming a little day in the life, with 3 children, a puppy, and an obnoxious husband.

malachi giggled- i'm not obnoxious!

london- mhm?

malachi- i'm not! 

he stood up and walked into the kitchen where i was making my coffee.

london- mal, can you go get mase, i hear him crying.

malachi smiled and walked into our bedroom to grab him.

london- okay everyone, so the twins have a little recreational soccer game today.

malachi walked out with a smiling mason.

london- my sweet little mase!

malachi handed me him and i went and sat on the couch with the camera.

malachi brought me my coffee- when do the twins need to be up?

london- in like 10 minutes, but let me finish my coffee first!

malachi laughed and sat down beside me.

leo soon walked out yawning and rubbing his eyes- good morning mommy.

london- good morning sweet boy! 

he climbed onto the couch and sat on the other side of me, burying his head into my arm.

london- how did you sleep?

leo- bad. i had a nightmare that a strawberry was chasing me.

london- oh i'm sorry, maybe tonight you'll sleep better. but you just have to remember, strawberries can't grow legs, but strawberries are nice.

leo smiled- yeah. 

about 3 minutes later annie came in and jumped in malachi's arms.

malachi- good morning to you too.

annie- when is the soccer game?

malachi- it is at 10. and it's 8 now, so we need to start getting ready.

i smiled- i'll get mason and annie ready.

malachi- okay, i'll get little leo ready!

leo- IM NOT LITTLE! im a big boy. i'm 5.

malachi laughed- okay little man.

they walked hand in hand into leo's room and i took annie and mason into annie's room.

i put annie in her soccer uniform and brushed her hair into a slicked back pony tail.

london- i love your little curls.

annie- mommy, i got them from you!

i smiled.


after the soccer game was over, we all went home and the twins had a bath.

[londonbarton just posted]

londonbarton- the twins both won their soccer games today! our little soccer players! @malachibarton

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londonbarton- the twins both won their soccer games today! our little soccer players! @malachibarton

liked by 17.9 million


user- love the fact i got to watch london and malachi's relationship start with a show, to getting married, to having kids. love you all!

^ we love you!!!


the twins took a nap not long after their bath. 

malachi picked annie up and took her into her bedroom.

and i grabbed leo and tucked him into his bed.

we walked out into the living room, and sat down. malachi was holding mason rocking him back and forward.

malachi- what are you thinking about?

london- just something annie said today.

malachi- okay.


about 2 hours later annie walked out of her bedroom and sat in my lap.

london- how was your nap?

annie- good, i had a good dream too!

london- what was it about?

annie- you and daddy, had another baby!

malachi turned his head and smiled- ann, i think 3 is enough.

annie- no. i want a little sister.

london- well too bad. but you do know, if you had a little sister, we wouldn't be able to just go on annie and mommy dates. it would be baby girl, annie, and mommy.

annie frowned- nevermind. i don't want a sister.

malachi and i laughed.

london- where is tatum?

malachi- tatum?

the dog came running into the living room.

london- there you are!


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