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This is going to be larger chapter than usual so I would really love likes and comments!!!

Why do British people hate American people?

Also they always call us fat, while themselves aren't much of a skinnier country then us.

Another thing they say is that we are unruly loud, now I'll explain why they do think that.

They think that because a lot of tourist go to New York instead of the other states. In New York most people have the trumpet accent.

The trumpet accent allows people to know that is their talking space since they talk loudly.

Another thing they say is that we are all rude, they are thinking of all Americans as people from New York.

In New York people are rude because it is a very crowed city tourist, business people and inhabitants.

Sure the people in their will be rude if they have to deal with that city. To be honest New York is the most corrupt place in the United States.

Americans always eat fast food is a stereotype that is particularly right and wrong.

There are a unusual amount of fast foods, in America but that isn't because we eat a lot of it it is because their are a lot of people like tourist who would eat a lot of it.

Most Americans prefer other foods to fast foods, for example I'm American and I love seafood.

---/that ends this part of our chapter/--

This next part willing be me recommending you to anime.

First of all most people in the north think that anime is for children, but it is not anime can be any genre from kid amines like Pokemon to adult ones like black lagoon.

There are countless genres of anime that you would like, if you think you like television more because of breaking bad or the walking dead.

I guarantee you will find a anime just like those shows to match your preferences.

Since anime is not limited to acting and is drawn anything can happen in anime.

So please watch anime it's the 💥 at least try it out for me!!.

-----/that concludes our anime talk/----

Now I'd like to ask you guys questions please answer in the comments

What would you do in the hunger games?

Would you spend 2 years in jail if you cod become rich after it?

What are your favorite foods?

Also I'd like to start something new you guys get to pick the next chapters topic in the comments. That is all for now so please support and I'll see you later.

-Chris or emporer322

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