I'm not shocked, it happens all the time.

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(I'm rippylock on ao3, this is a port. Read full story there cause i sometimes forget to update this lol)

Nine hundred million years.

Nine hundred million years have passed since the end of "The Power of Two."

And for nine hundred million years, I've been walking the barren surface of Earth.

Everything died out long ago. The bright sun grows harsher and harsher over the years as it bloats into the next stage of life, the Red Giant phase. Multicellular life could not adapt to the harsher conditions growing on the planet in time, so it all died out. One by one. Ten by ten. A hundred by a hundred, and so on. Though I believe there could be new life starting up soon, it's all false hope. The sun will swallow this planet before everything recovers.

The only 'life' on this planet is basic unicellular life.

But for some reason, I still walk this barren planet.

There is nothing of interest for someone to explore, other than if you like burning your weak retinas at the blazing sun that is currently scorching the surface of this planet.

There is something still calling me to this planet. I can't leave it. My brothers and sisters call for me back in the deep craves of space, but I cannot go. I have to stay here. My love calls for me.

Tree. I remember his name so clearly. It chimes through my head through these long days and barren mornings.

He was the most beautiful man to ever grace the universe. I miss his gracious smile. His buttery voice, his smooth moves. I miss him dearly. Though everything has to come to an end,

And Tree was that 'everything' in question.

I had aged only a little while Tree aged by the years, slowly going delirious by the following years. Until he finally died, peacefully in his sleep. I thought he would live forever with me. I thought we would be together forever, until the day we both died. But it's a stupid thought. He's a human. A simple human. And who am I? Some sort of deity. I would call myself a mistake. I shouldn't be born into this body. I don't think I'm deserving of a powerful vessel like this body. But I'm not shocked. I'm not the only one who thinks of this.

But who else was here?

I remember the game. I can remember it perfectly. But the contestants, all except Tree, are a blur. I remember "Death Pact" and "Death Pact again," but never the members. They're a distant memory of the past that I wish to remember. But they all slowly fade away. I remember the robot. She slowly rots near the eroded ruins of the hotel. She still slowly rots, even after all that time has passed. Even though she is no longer alive, I wish to put an end to her suffering.

The lightning bolt? I miss him. He was aggravating at times, but I felt it was my immaturity. He didn't know. I regret yelling at him, but for some reason I never apologized. I wish I had apologized before he also died. He's now a lifeless husk like the rest. I wish I had apologized to all of them before they all died.

If I ever had the chance to go back in time, I would apologize to everyone. Even to the ones I hadn't hurt, it'd be a good note for myself that they forgive me instead of dying with an unresolved hatred against me.

But their bodies have rotted and joined the Earth's crust.

But my love hasn't.

He's perfectly preserved in a vat of resin. A vat of resin I specifically placed him in. An action of mine that I'm... indifferent on.

Something about me regrets it. I feel like if Tree were still alive, he'd reject this idea. I never told him my plans for him once he was dead. But he's long gone. He died millions of years ago; it's over. But something in me thinks it's for the better. I shouldn't leave him to rot with all the others, but instead perfectly preserve his body for the millions of years to come. I'd hate to forget his beautiful face in a million years, but it was for the better. But if he were alive-

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