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Lunar was the one tasked with taking out the trash that night. Although there was obviously some complaining, he came out anyways.
His pink eyes were narrowed with agitation clear in his furrowed expression.

He wore a stubborn look on his face, pursing his mouth with his bottom lip poking out a little bit in feeble irritation.
His childish glaring at the flooring of the elevator was interrupted by the dinging chime as the thick metal doors tediously slid open to the empty hallways of the first floor.

His pink eyes widened with observance as his gaze flickered down the hall decked with the classic but ever so slightly faded red carpeting to a blank door that led to the back of the apartment complex.

The animatronic hidden as a human trudged along the carpet and opened the door with a cringeworthy, crunchy sounding creak to reveal the bleak and quiet parking lot behind the building.
Lunar huffs as he saunters down the 3 steps to the pavement and off to the side, dragging the trash bags behind him like a grumpy child having to do something they refused to do anyways.

Lunars eyes locked onto the big boxy trash bins pushed against the side of the building. It was awfully dark since it was significantly late in the day and the sun had already begun to swiftly depart on the city horizon.
Lunar was unfazed by the fading source of light, unlike his elder brother, Eclipse, who does indeed have a mild phobia of the dark (though he would never openly admit this to anybody).

In the sky above the claustrophobic sharp rooftops of the structures surrounding the alleyway and the streets beyond it, was filled with thick, smothering storm clouds that almost look like something you would see in during a dark climax at the start of a movie.
Lunar had found rain to be quite relaxing, and was even more comfortable with it in his human disguise because of the refreshingly tingly sensation across his skin that he gets when the raindrops hit him.

As Lunar neared the bins he took note of some faint chittering of a raccoon. He was definitely hesitant but figured he could take a peek without bothering the critters and just leave the bags beside the trash bin rather then throw it in on top of the small creatures. Seeing as the former seemed much more considerate than the latter.

Lunar couldn't help but feel giddy as he neared the potentially adorable trash pandas.
One could only imagine the utter bewilderment he felt crashing into his psyche once he edged his gaze into the grotesque cramped space and his pink irises landed on a relatively humanoid outline sitting next to a small raccoon.

The figure was sitting on their knees and holding out a small piece of crust they had obtained from the garbage beside them to the raccoon. Lunar couldn't believe his eyes and was quick to act, taking to mind how raccoons can be fairly dangerous and he knew the person shouldn't be so close to one.
He hit the outside of the dumpster, startling the two inside, causing the raccoon to climb out of the bin and scurry away down the alleyway.

Lunar waited a moment before hesitantly before looking down into the garbage bin once more to find the strange figure looking up at him quietly with a naïve curiosity.
A sense of responsibility for what happens to this person makes itself evident in Lunar's head now that he has found them.

He bites the inside of his cheek, timidity ebbing away at the short burst of confidence his curiosity had temporarily gifted him. The strange person that stared up at him shifted and Lunar realized they may not be able to get out on their own.

🛸"You Just Have To Find It. . ."🌙 [Alien Reader x Lunar] ⚠MOVED TO AO3⚠Where stories live. Discover now