👾{Chapter 1}👾

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Lunar's eyelids slowly flutter open and he lets out a deep huff, turning over in his bed. After a few seconds the lack of someone laying next to him registers in his brain, making him jolt up and frantically look around the room. He was practically praying that the Alien was real and that it wasn't just a dream, nearly bursting to tears when he realized she wasn't next to him anymore.

Lunar froze when his pink hazy gaze landed on Solar Flare who was in his human disguise and sitting on Earth's bed next to a girl with the same oddly discolored body. She was holding up different colors and types of hair bows to see which would look better on Solar Flare. It was honestly quite a wholesome moment to see.

Seeing her small curious smile on her face made his "heart" speed up and slow down at the same time, making the world go slow for a moment. Desperation to keep her near him, to keep his new friend from being taken away by his other siblings that might find out about her sooner or later made him swiftly scramble out of his comforter that he was tangled in.

In his rush, Lunar practically launched himself over the side of his bunk bed, making both of the other people in the room turn their head to him in surprise. In a lucky save, Solar Flare swiftly moved up and caught Lunar, having caught him by the waist in his arms. Solar Flare did a pretty good job at catching Lunar but wasn't so good with easing the force of gravity, having him stumble back and the duo fall back onto Earth's bed.

Y/n was wide-eyed as she watched the two flop onto the bed right next to them. Her antennae and tail were perked up, signifying that they were startled. Solar Flare was mostly indifferent about it, but mildly uncomfortable being squished under Lunar, especially saying as in their human disguises their sizes are much more similar, as are their weights. The animatronics being in their human disguises makes their usual strengths become much more feeble, so they don't have superhuman abilities.

Lunar had his eyes clenched closed when he fell and peeps out through his eyelashes to see his Alien friend nearby. He immediately crawled off of Solar Flare (Of which was grateful) and threw himself onto her, his arms wrapping around his friend and holding them close to himself.

"Oh thank goodness you weren't just a dream!" Lunar breathed out a deep sigh of relief and nuzzled into her still fresh smelling hair from the bath he gave her last night, a smile making it's way onto his face once more.

Solar Flare raised an eyebrow at his "relative's" behavior towards the extraterrestrial being sitting on his bed. "Lunar... Do you perhaps find this.. Snail Person to be very close to you despite only having found them last night? or do my optic-.. eyes deceive me?" His attempt at a human metaphor was a bit iffy but he's trying his best.

Lunar didn't react for a minute, still relishing in your presence, but froze after the question registered in his head. "W-what?? No... It's just that I'm really happy that I have a friend that's from a completely different planet. It's so freaking cool!" He chuckles awkwardly, bury his face in Y/n's shoulder.

Solar Flare gives the bewildered Lunar a skeptical look, making him awkwardly giggle. To hide from the situation, Lunar hid behind the Alien, earning a dignified huff from said slightly smaller person. Y/n got back to rummaging through Earth's accessories of different hair bows, decorational bows, jewelry, etc. To put on Solar Flare, who just sat there accepting his fate without any movement to stop her.

Currently, Solar Flare was sporting a lime green hair bow that had floral design lace layers in his neat but fluffy locks of redish hair. The bow was clipped onto the underside of his bangs, awkwardly pushing his hair up. This making him almost looking like he was themed after a tomato or an apple, causing Lunar to stiffle a snicker. Y/n was digging through Earth's drawers for more girly things to decorate her willing victim.

🛸&quot;You Just Have To Find It. . .&quot;🌙 [Alien Reader x Lunar] ⚠MOVED TO AO3⚠Where stories live. Discover now