Sexiest Man Alive

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"Men suck," I grumbled as the vodka tonic burned its way down my throat. Determined to drown my sorrows tonight, I was ready to get wasted.

"Now, hold on, Meg pie. Don't lump us men all together with your scum of the earth, cheating ex-boyfriend. Some of us are pretty decent," Patrick Hanson, a.k.a Pat, my best friend since kindergarten, tried in vain to console me.

"No, you all suck."

Pat clutched his chest playfully. "Ouch, that hurts. And after all we've been through."

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help my laughter. "Okay, I guess some of you are okay."

"Atta girl." He slung his arm around my shoulder, giving me a reassuring squeeze. "Don't you worry, tonight, we'll find you one of those nice guys."

"Nope. I'm done with relationships," I declared, waving toward the bartender for another vodka tonic.

"Who said anything about a relationship?" Pat raised his perfectly manicured brow. "What you need right now is not another relationship. What you need is one night of mind-blowing sex with strangers that you won't see again tomorrow."

My face scrunched up, partly because of the alcohol and partly because of Pat's ridiculous idea. "You know me, Pat. I'm not that kind of girl."

"I know you're not. But hear me out, okay?" My nod was all he needed to continue. "Casual relationship could be just as fulfilling. You like having sex, right?" I nodded again; I wasn't ashamed about it. "And you said James wasn't always good in that department?"

"Oh, he couldn't find a pleasure zone if it were flashing neon," I scoffed.

"I have a feeling he's bad. He always struck me as a selfish lover, you know." Pat chuckled. "Anyway, back to my point—casual relationship is great because you've got to have mind-blowing sex without worrying about long-term expectations or feelings, or any of that crap. Trust me, you'll have a lot of fun. And honey, you deserve it."

"But these are strangers, Pat. How would I know if they're better than James or not?"

"Oh, believe me, Meg pie. I can tell," he said with a smug grin. "When it comes to this thing, Pat is always right."

I nudged him lightly with my elbow. "It always creeps me out when you start talking in the third person, you know."

"But you know I'm right."

I sighed. As much as I hated to admit it, Pat was right. He could always tell if someone was good in bed or not. It was like a creepy superpower that he had. Also, one of the superpowers that allowed him to be always sexually satisfied after one night of dating strangers he just met.

A pang of envy surged through me. Damn it, I too craved a night of unbridled passion and orgasms. Pat was right; I deserved it.

"Alright, find me the right man."

A triumphant smirk tugged at the corners of his lips at my surrender. "I already have. Three o'clock. The handsome guy sitting alone."

My eyes followed his instruction, finding the man Pat had mention.

Damn it, Pat was too good at this.

The guy sat alone on one of the small tables near the stage, not too far from our table. From this distance, I was able to see his sharp jawline, accentuated by a hint of rugged stubble, that gave him a rugged allure. His icy blue eyes scanned the room with a keen, observant gaze, as if he was always ready for any possible threat. Thick, dark eyebrows framed those piercing eyes, adding to his strong and determined expression.

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