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I woke up do a good smell of some breakfast. I sat up, and ones again admired my surrounding.
Finally I decided to get up and get ready, and that's what I did.

After almost 20mins I went down to the kitchen, wehre my mum and grandparents were waiting for me.

I greeted them with a good morning wich they returned.

We began to eat. The food was delicious as always. I took my plate and put it away.

I was outside, taking a long walk in the rain. It was relaxing, and I loved every second that I used to look up to the sky. This place was a little bigger, than I remembered, but I still knew my way around.
I was out for almost an hour, so I slowly made my way back home.

I arrived, and changed into some dry and comfortable clothes. Because I had nothing else to do, and the elders were talking about some random things, I got on to my bed, and just listened to some of my favorite songs, as usual.

Time went by pretty quick, as I just looked out the window, still listening to music. It was evening already, so I got to sleep...

The next day was exactly the same as the day before, and this has been going for a week now. I got bored, so I thought it would be a good idea to explore the house some more.

As I was walking through the corridor, I saw a door that instantly caught my attention. The door was black with a frame, that was colored in wine red, 2 of my favorite colors.
I tried to open the door, but it just wouldn't move a bit, so I just went back into my room again.

That was pretty weird, I mean.. All the other doors were unlocked, except for this one door, that also was the odd one out..


Sooooo, how are you guys doing? ¦} I hope you like my story so far.

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