The second day of hell on earth

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Together, both Ryan and Mason hugged and reassured each other that they would stick together and remain safe. Even with the odds against them, they would never give up hope.

they then boarded up the windows at the button of the house and blocked doors with heavy furniture. They stocked food and water and began to practice their martial arts skills to keep themselves fit. They even practised survival skills like starting a fire without matches, building a shelter, and cooking with limited resources.

they wanted to be on top of this virus they both promised to have each other back no matter what and that no matter what the circumstance they would never give up. They checked the news and helped each other stay informed.

Mason was on watch and saw a horde approaching he quickly and quietly warned Ryan, and when they realized there was no other way he and Ryan decided to make a run for it. They quickly packed some food and water and would return once the horde had passed they took weapons food and water and ran into the woods.

Once in the woods they set their camp and started to make a shelter one of the things they noticed was how few resources they had so they.  Decided to conserve as much energy and food as possible. They made sure to collect spilt water from rain puddles and catch animals for food.

However, during one of the best hunts, a zombie got to their prey instead. Luckily Ryan had his knife and managed to keep both him and his partner safe. He killed the zombie and sighed he wasn't happy with this loss but they needed to keep moving.

So they headed to a small cabin in the woods and set up their camp for the night they took turns watching and blocked the door and windows as much as they could.

They both joked if they were in America they would have to deal with bears and a lot more so they should find them selfs lucky that they were burned in the United Kingdom however they wish they had some firearms. Days past.

On the third day, Ryan and his partner decided to move on, they were surrounded by hostile zombies and the sun was starting to set. the zombies must've been tracking them by the smell of their campfire so they decided to move out as quickly as possible. And sprayed some aftershave to mask the scent.

All they had was a knife and a paper map to help them out, their plan was to walk to the nearest town which was 5 miles. away and locate a shelter before nightfall. So they picked up their backpacks and started to walk. During the day's journey, they managed to scavenge supplies, such as food, clothing, and medical supplies in abandoned houses around. By the time night settled in, they had reached the outskirts of the town. Now, it was the tricky part.

To survive this night they would have to set up camp in a height place quiet and safe from zombies they had no idea where to look until. A lucky strike happened, one of the team members saw a tower in the distance, so they gathered their belonging and headed towards it. It was a tall tower it was locked and covered in zombies so they had to climb however it started to rain heavily.

They managed to get to the top while it poured heavily, they found some rusty keys and a note attached to them: The note said this is a good place to survive however when it rains it is impossible to get down it is also rusty.

And sometimes parts fall off however it's away from those brain eaters and safe from most other people. Also in the lift, there is a bag with cans of food and water bottles also some cigarettes and a bayonet.

be safe survivors peace out from James Gordon. Mason looted while Ryan put a cover over the skeleton remains of the man he found out this man was an old world war 2 vet and it was even a miracle he survived.

Ryan said till the final moments he was a survivor and soldier. Mason said yeah what a guy for his age he sure was a badass.

they both camped the night here the horde had passed through they took down the war vet and buried him with honour under the last spot he was fighting they left his stuff with him and they put a bottle of Jack Daniels in his pocket.

Mason said enjoy u life in heaven.

Ryan smiled and said let's go if we survive we can tell this story about this brave man to others and keep him alive in our minds and stories.

Mason grabbed the supplies and took a route with less undead and more cover Ryan followed suit and backed him up.

They finally got home no zombies got in their house and they were happy about that they stocked the supplies back up drank some water and played cards. And laughed.

Then night came again they watched the stars and Ryan said I am happy to have u man Mason laughed yeah honestly they had a few shots however Ryan never let Mason change it for juice he said it's the law.

Mason said whatever and called him an alcoholic. they both watched the zombies from the window and enjoyed the food and water.

Mason said anyways how old even are u dude Ryan laughed oh yeah I am 19 and I know your 16. Mason said wow u can remember well done for having a memory.

Ryan ended up falling asleep Mason carried him struggling and finally got in the room and put him in bed with a cover and knife on the chair next to him in case.

Mason took the watch and saw it was a peaceful night for once he wished every night was this peaceful and nice so he didn't have to deal with the undead

He frowned and realised it had been about 2 hours he woke Ryan up telling him it was his turn Ryan took his turn as Mason slept they both got around 6 hours of sleep by morning they made breakfast and had water.

they had checked a mega mall but it was probably crawling with callers and sprinters in an area like a mall that wasn't a good idea to charge into.

Mason suggested luring them out with a car alarm however Ryan explained that meant a horde would appear and they would have more zombies outside than ever.

Mason asked what they should do. Ryan suggested long-range crossbow attacks so they wouldn't be seen and could avoid a horde.

Mason said it could work but It was a mission-impossible type of plan all the undead look the same and callers only had slightly bigger ears like elf ears he said how would it be possible.

Ryan said it would be hard but if they manage it they get food clothes weapons and a lot more from this mall and so much more.

Mason even though he got an idea suggested killing walkers and wearing their blood and guts over them they would smell like it and could infiltrate the place unseen or detected. By anyone even the callers.

They got ready and headed into the mall...



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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