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I woke up the next morning with a bad headache. honestly ion know what fuck happened last night. ad I woke up more I started rememBering. "yo- oh shit my bad for wakingyou up." ddot said walkinginto the room. he looked like he just woke up. he had grey sweats and a wife beater. his h asir was a fucking mess. "no you didn't wake me up. wassup?" I said getting out of bed putting my socks on. "I was asking if you were hungry. I can make you something." he said tryna tame his hair...it was not working, nigga was struggling.

"ddot. why you gotta be so nice. you just met me not even 12 house ago." I asked genuinely confused. "cus in just nice. what you wanna eat." he said not even paying attention to me. I just shrugged. "ok so imma make what I want. oh and dd and ya sister here." he said walking out he told me had left me some clothes on the dresser. I got dressed brushed my hair and went downstairs. "hey ani. you ready to leave." my sister said. "I was about to make her some food y'all hungry too." ddot said taking out taco ingredients. keem dd and my sister nodded. I sat down next to dd who was sittingnext to lani. "so... when you gonna let me take you out beautiful. you leave keem. he ain't gonna sex you likei can." dd said to lani.

lani and keem just lookedat him like 🤨. me and ddot we're dying laughing. "niggah you a whole virgin. and lani is obviously dating uncle keem." I said leaning over on him laughing. he just looked at me like he wanted to punch me. keem just snaked his arm around lani rubbing her arm letting dd know what's up. "keem... don't get mad I'll take yo bitch niggah. I'ma make he-" "dd don't make me fight you lil niggah" keem said jokingly. dd just got up and got in his fightstance. keem by got up and chased dd around. "ANIYAHHH LANNNIIII HELPPPP .!!!!" the niggah was running all upstairs n shi.

they finallystopped and the food was ready. ddot came to us with tacos. "tacos....nigga. this is a lunch food." dd said side eyeing him. "so wait 60 minutes when 12:00 hits. then go heat your food up. easy peasy." ddot said stuffing his face. literally. "fuck you ddot. AND FUCK YOU TOO KEEM" dd said.

we all ate and was full by the 3rd taco. but no....dd ddot had six of themhoes.
"ngl lie yall fat as fuck fa that" keem said laughing. we all talked for a little while. ddot gave me his number. abd we planned for our date tommorow. it was likw 10 at night when we went home and honstly i was tired. i went home and fell asleep almost immeadeatley.

time skip

today was my date with ddot. it was cold outside today so i just put something comfy and warm on.

was looking a bad bitch. ngl my confidence today wasnt to good. but after i got ready my shit immeaditley boosted. i got a call from ddot telling e he was on his way to pick me. so i went downstairs t check on my sister. i was walking downstairs and heard lots of yelling and screaming. "keem why tf you playin with me bro. i just asked you a fucking question." my sister said o her knees next to him on the couch. keem was trying to calm down cus he looked upset. "bitch you got a 15 year old child in the house. my fucking neice and you want to argue? suck my dick.butshit ass hoe" keem just snapped. he was sick of lani yelling in his face. after that it went silent. i was just sitting on the stairs watching it all go down. i heard a knock at the door. i opened it to see ddot. "hey ma- whats all that yelling fa?" ddot asked hearing the yelling coming from keem and lani. "umm sorry. i just reccomend yo stay out of it." i said letting him in. "nahh nigga who you calling a hoe. we just got together like 2 days ago and you already fucking up. gook ass nigga" lani said getting in keems face.

keem just pushed lani back making her fall. "stfu! lani im sick of your shit! all this extra fucking baggage i didnt fucking ask for! if you love me why tf wont you trust me! you have trut issues bitch!" keem said yelling loud enough for the neigbors to hear. lani just got up and started puching keem in the chest and shit. keem not being the type of person to just let someone hit him was hitting her back. i started cying. i had really bad PTSD from my mom and her boyfriends. when my mom would get a boyfriend he would end up hitting her and shit. they would fight like this all the time. they would throw thing at eachother, hit eachother, constanly kick eachother out. ddot saw what was happening and tried his best to top me from crying. lani stopped hitting keem. she was tired. physically and emocionaly. she just walked out of the house. she didnt check on me or anything. i understand that she couldnt be there for both of us but he just looked at me and left. what suprised me the most is tat keem and ddot cared to check on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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