| A New Show? |

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The sun glimmered brightly through to colored stained windows of her room. The strokes of paint bought life to an old white canvas, giving it a chance of life and a story.

Books where all over the ground instead of the perfectly good book shelves on the right of her room, a bed made of wood was in the opposite side its sheets speckled with paint in all colors imaginable, the once brown wooden floor was now hinted with paint.

A swing was placed near the side of a circle stained window, fake vines wrapped around the handles of the swing.

Her whole room was art, so much memories with each speckle of paint all over the room other than the canvases of art stacked on one another on the corner of her room.

She was also art herself. Wavy locks of ginger that fall just below her shoulders, a splash of hazel covered both of her iris , freckles dotted her body head to toe, splashes of color where speckled all over her black apron that had been used over the passed 3 years yet somehow still fitted her.

As her mom cooked in the kitchen down stairs, she let her hands and heart roam all over the canvas. With each color, the once blank linen was now filled with colors of warm colors.

With head phones on listening the soft tunes from Laufey, she let her body zone out has her arms painted by memory.

She was any regular teenage girl who had big dreams with big goals. One of them was selling her art for others to hang up on their walls, or open up a flower shop and become a florist, designing bouquets of flowers every day while looking outside and seeing people either come in her shop or walk out, or become an even bigger actress, starring in bigger roles than she already had.

Her mom beg differ though at the actress part. She was already a big actress, being in multiple movies, shows, adds, and all sorts of things she could get a part in.

Currently her dog, Oath, was sitting beside her looking at the canvas slowly filling up with life.

Suddenly a knock was heard at the her door. Oath quickly stood up and nudged the door to reveal Mrs Lopez, her mom, was outside of the door.

"Leanora? Nak?" Her mom asked, she was a short woman, tanned complexion, straight black hair put into a claw, her clothes weren't fancy or anything but actually where just pajamas with a few stains. Her mom was a single mother who adopted Leanora ever since she was a baby.

Leanora turned her head around from her canvas and looked at her mother with a smile, her mother wasn't the best, she was strict and protective. Yet she always tried her hardest to fill out the aching gap of having a father figure.

"Hi, mom." Leanora smiled "ah there you are, lunch na, come on." Her mother said waiting for her daughter to come with her downs stairs.

Oath beamed at the word 'lunch' and quickly went down stairs happily. Leanora laughed at his reaction and took off her apron and hanged it on a stool and walked down stairs beside her mother.

They walked in a comfy silence, simply happy that the other presence was beside them

"you should had some yellow to your painting, nak." Her mother finally spoke up. "Ehe, I forgot to add some yellow to the painting." Leanora said sheepishly as her mother gave her a really look.

Leanora was taller than her mom. Her mom being 4'10 /2, Leanora being 5'0 due to their genes and their race. None of the less they loved each other like family.

Once they where finally downs stairs, Leanora was greeted with the delicious scent of adobo that bought a smile to Leanora's face.

Leanora rushed to wash her hands in the kitchen faucet wanting to eat. The once dried up paint on her hands left hints of stains around her palms that would disappear after a few hours. Her mom chuckled and took out 2 plates and some utensils.

Oath was in front of his bowl with dog food, and 1 leg of chicken in it, patiently waiting for a command to eat his food. After a few seconds Leanora finished and took 2 glasses and filled them up with water and bought it to the table being careful to to spill any water on the floor.

Soon Leanora and her mom was at the table, Oath sitting on the side. The mother and daughter prayed for their food quietly, their palms pressed into their own tightly.

After praying they ate their warm food happily taking sips of water occasionally. Oath finally got the command to eat his food and happily ate his share of food too.

It was summer and the bright sun glimmered through the windows of there vintage like styled house.

"So Nak, you know about the Percy Jackson books right?" Her mother mentioned, Leanora perked up in the mention of the books

"yea, why?" Leanora asked confused sipping her water "Your manager, Flora, send me a email a few hours ago. It was an audition for the new Percy Jackson show" Leanora nearly spilled her drink

"huh?" Leanora was confused and broke the silence after a few minutes "their making a show?" Leanora asked, she had watched the movies before and was heavily disappointed when they didn't even get half of the scenes correct, she didn't mind the actors it was just the story plot she didn't agree with

"Yes a show. Flora said you should audition for the role Nancy Bobofit" Leanora nodded slowly her mothers words sinking in

Particularly Leanora wasn't a fan of Nancy Bobofit due to her actions in the book, but a chance to be in the live action of the Percy Jackson books? It was too good to let down even if the role wasn't the best

"so? What do you think, nak?" Her mother asked, her Filipina accent seeking through her English words

Leanora paused, then answered "I'll audition" she said after awhile. Oath barked happily like he understood their conversation, her mother's face graced a happy smile on her face

"good. I'm sure you'll get accepted" Her mother said confidently, clearly proud how long her daughter had made it in life

Oath barked too like he was agreeing, Leanora chuckled at his reaction and pet his head. Oath was a Doberman, about 1 years old. 

Leanora smiled "I sure hope I get the role" her eyes glimmered "I just hope I'll not make a complete idiot of myself on set.." she muttered to herself

Her mother smiled softly at her "you won't, you've been in many other movies nak. Your a professional now" Leanora simply smiled and continued to eat her food

today was a good day to be Leanora Lopez


Reminder: This story is just for fun. I myself do not really understand how actors/actresses work on set ect. Feel free to point out my mistakes and I will try my best to correct them

You can imagine yourself as Leanora if you want just change a few things. Leanora's mom is in fact from the Philippines.

turned Simon into a dog lol

Have fun reading


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