Chapter Two - Train tracks

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Aaron's P.O.V
We're driving back to London, from our last tour stop. Cole is insisting on a pee brake at the next stop. The road's empty, as we stop for the train to pass.

"Can't... Hold... On... Any longer!"

"Okay, okay. Go pee, just hurry up."

We get out of the car and wait for Cole to finish. I wonder around, looking for something to do. When I see a girl laying on the tracks. I rush over to her, and check to see if she's still alive, minding to avoid the live tracks. She's still breathing.

"Guys! Over here, now!"

Everyone rushes over, even Cole who's obviously done peeing now.


"Is she alive?"

"Yes! Now help me get her to a hospital before a train comes!"

They help me lift her off of the tracks before the train comes. We put her in the car as the train rushes past where she was laying. Hendrix takes the wheel and drives us to the nearest hospital.

When we arrive, I carry her in and up to the desk. They take her to an emergency ward. And we all wait in the waiting room, for information on how it's going. No one says anything. Until a nurse comes,

"What's happening? Is she okay?"

We all start asking a million questions at once.

"She's going to be fine. But we need to contact her parents."

"Sorry, we don't have any details. We just found her like that."

"You did? You seem to care a lot about a stranger you just found on the tracks."

"We're just concerned citizens."

"Well you don't have to be concerned anymore. You can go home whenever you want."

"We're not going home until we see her awake and okay."

She shrugs, and walks away.

We wait for a few hours, until we're offered to come back tomorrow. But we all agree that we want to stay. We'll wait all night if we have to.

Promise's P.O.V
I wake up to bright white lights shining down into my eyes, and just white everywhere. But when my eyes adapt, I see a bed, a clip on my finger and a tube leading into my arm. I try to pull the tube out, when I hear a gentle but firm voice say,
"Don't touch that, it's just there to help."

"Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital, you tried to kill yourself last night."

Idiot, you can't even die right! You woke up, you failed. I start to cry, and the nurse rushes over. After I've stopped crying, the nurse asks me if I wouldn't mind seeing visitors. I don't know who would want to visit me, but I'm to shy to ask and just nod yes. The nurse then leaves.

Aaron's P.O.V
The nurse from yesterday walks over,
"You can come and see her now, but be gentle. She attempted suicide last night, and is still likely quite unstable."

Suicide? We follow the nurse to the ward. We file into the small white room. The girl from the tracks is sitting in the bed, with a drip in her arm and a clip on her finger. I walk up to her first. She doesn't seem to notice that we're here at first, like she's lost in thought or trying to remember something. So I try to get her attention,
"Hey, I'm Aaron."

She snaps out of her daze, and looks up at me.


I almost jump in shock, she's behaving like she knows me.

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