Prologue - 3rd Person

943 21 28

Content Warning!
This chapter contains:
-Mild self-injury
-Mild suicidal ideation
-Foul language

If any of these things will affect you negatively, I suggest you skip this chapter!

Welcome to the sequel everyone, oh my god?? I'm so excited to write this.
I hope y'all enjoy. >:]

A child stood alone in front of a grave, he had been there for several hours now. A young pig, clad in blue.

Georgie Piggy, everyone must know him by now, he'd earned quite a name for himself in this Kingdom.

Most notably, "The kid who took the King away".

Had he been in the wrong for his actions? Certainly not, he stopped a literal murderer. But in doing so, he'd nearly stooped to his level.

At least, that's how Georgie felt about himself.

His head hung, he shivered in the cold. The snow had nearly melted, and now somber rain fell.

He considered if he should join the man he slaughtered multiple times since then, thinking the punishment fit. He thought about it, but chose to push it away, as he knew he had loads to live for, if what he was staying for still wanted him here after all of that.

He'd been up for nearly three days. He knew because three days ago he drove that knife through Lego's skull. He refused to sleep, he didn't think he deserved it. He was growing used to the exhaustion. Though, it was beginning to make him mildly delirious. 

Mimi was the first to notice, as she'd seen him out by Lego's grave several times from the bridge in the early morning hours when she'd come down to watch the sunrise. She'd talked to him about it, worried for his health. He'd lied and said he took naps in the daytime, but Mimi knew this wasn't true.

Georgie pivoted away from the grave, walking away. He wanted to stay longer, wanting to wallow in his own grief and anger alone with Lego where he couldn't be bothered, but he knew he couldn't.

He trudged back up the hill, back into the Kingdom's halls. His mind was racing, he wanted to cry but he literally couldn't, no matter what he did. He picked up his pace, wanting to be out of this place. Though, he knew he could never truly escape. No one was waiting for him at home, they were all Infected, so he had no choice but to stay here.

He walked up the stairs, and walked down the laboratory hall. He was dreading walking back into Kona's home, but he knew he had to. The entire population in there was always somber, and he knew it would get worse when he walked in. Even if they denied it, Georgie knew most - and if not, all - of them were disappointed in him for what he'd done. He didn't blame them.

He walked up the laboratory stairs, and pushed the first door open that led into the short hallway that led into Kona's home. He had one of two choices. Go in the main room, and deal with the suffocating grief, or go down the hall and lock himself in the bathroom until he was inevitably called for dinner.

He chose to deal with the grief.

He pushed the door to the main home open, and walked in. He immediately felt the energy shift, and regretted even opening the door.

Walking in, he felt the gazes of literally everyone fall upon him, but not a word was uttered. He swore he could feel the loathing, but he wasn't sure if he was delusional or genuinely feeling it anymore. Mimi and Pony were absent, leaving only Kona and Penny in the room. If there was anyone the loathing was coming from, it was presumably Kona.

He walked over to the couch, and sat down, subconsciously beginning to rock back and forth after a while. 

Penny came over and joined him, wrapping her arm around him and pulling him close. She smelled like smoke, like the kind you'd smell from a campfire. "Mimi and Pony are setting up a bonfire outside, y'know, for the community to celebrate their freedom." She said, softly. That explained the smokey scent. Georgie nodded slowly. "Do you wanna go with me? You don't have to." She offered. George shrugged in her embrace. "Are you sure they'd want me there?" He asked.

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