Chapter One

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THE SMALL GROUP of four had been on the road for days. They were tired and hungry. The Georgia heat not doing much to help. Their clothes were drenched in sweat and dirt making them discolored. They had been searching for a place to set up camp but everywhere they rested was soon after swarmed with roamers.

They were currently split off into to partners. Genevieve and Nate walking in the woods hunting for whatever source of food they're able to track down first. Meanwhile Joe and Dylan continued to walk out on the rhode in the Georgian heat.

The young boy let his shoulders slouch in exhaustion, sweat visibly dripping down his neck and arms. Joe on the other hand kept her posture straight and kept high alert, also dripping in sweat. She had her machete in hand, slicing the heads of roamers when they got to close.

From not far behind her Dylan spoke up breaking the long lasting silence. 'Do you think they caught anything?'

Joe glanced behind her before slowing down to fall in step with him. She sighed 'I hope so. I'm starving'

Dylan just nods in agreement.

They went back to walking in silence, keeping a lookout. Not for anything specific, but for at least just something.

They heard rustling in the trees and were ready to put down some more roamers, but lowered their weapons when their siblings revealed themselves.

The older siblings joined the younger ones. A few squirrels in hand.

The younger siblings couldn't help the grins that attached themselves to their faces.

'Who's excited for some tasty squirrels' though Nates words came out sarcastic he still had a big lopsided grin on his face.

'We also found a clearing. In the woods. It doesn't look like a lot of roamers go through it. Maybe we can set up camp there tonight?'

Joe nodded at her sisters words. 'Yea. We lose daylight soon.'


They walked through the woods, Nate leading the way. Joe sped up to walk in step with him.

Nate looked to his side at the younger girl sending her a grin before looking ahead. Joe felt her face heat up and dropped her head, continuing to walk with her head down and a smile spread across her face.

Her and Nate had a close relationship. They weren't together, but there was something there. Joe will admit Nate is very attractive. He's older, tall, muscular, has a pretty face, and he knows how to survive.

About a month or two after the day in the grocery store the two of them were quite open with the fact that they were attracted to each other- always glancing at each other, taking any chance to be near the other, flirty comments. Whenever they were on the go, Joe would take any chance she got to walk in front of Nate. She'd sway her hips in knowing he'd most likely be staring. Of course in case she "forgot" that he was behind her and watching, he'd catch up to her and make a comment about her having a 'Nice ass'

At some point the sexual tension between them was so strong that one night when their siblings were asleep they snuck off into the woods to fornicate. It became a habit and so whenever they have a chance to they sneak off together.


By the time they set up camp and started a fire to cook their lovely squirrels it was already dark. They ate in silence. There wasn't really anything to talk about these days.

They were all just about done with eating. Gen is the first to finish. Standing up from where she had been sat, she goes into the tent, coming back out with one of her knives. 'I'll stay up and watch'

When she says that Joe puts the little bit of her squirrel remains down and looks to her sister 'actually, I can watch tonight'

Gen meets her sisters gaze and raises a brow in question 'you sure?' Joe just nods her head sending her sister a smile as reassurance.

She nodded her head once 'ok. Good night' she was met with three small 'good nights' in return as she went into the tent, zipping it shut halfway.

Nate noticed how Dylan wasn't eating anymore and was rather picking at the squirrel meat. "Hey, Dyl, why don't you go lay down too? Try and get some rest?'

Dylan didn't look at his brother, but he still listened. He got up tossing the remaining meat into the dying fire. 'Night' he mumbled, getting the same mumbled 'good nights' that Gen received. He went into the tent with Gen, zipping it all the way closed behind him.

And then there were two.

It was still silent besides the sounds of nature: the wind blowing the trees, the fire they built, and the sounds of the animals that are all over.

Joe hates to be on watch. She's supposed to be watching something, but there's nothing to actually watch. They haven't seen any other living people besides the Adler brothers in months and if a roamer decides to pay a visit it would be loud enough. Sitting there all night alone is always boring. She only volunteered because Gen keeps watch most of the time which means she must be real tired all the time and Joe thought she could use the rest.

From his spot on the ground, leaning against a tree, Nate notices how quiet Joe is being. He looks at her sitting on her log. She's looking down at her hands, picking at the peeling skin and dirt around her nails.

When they first met Joe didn't talk much. Once she warmed up to the brothers though, she started talking a lot more or would make incoherent sounds and comments. Unless something was bothering her. That's when she goes quiet again.

'What's wrong?' His voice scared her out of her train of thought and she snapped her head to him.

A small smile tugs at her lips as she slightly shakes head 'nothing'

He scoffs. knowing her well enough by now to know she's lying. 'come'ere' Nate pats the spot on the ground next to him, beckoning her to sit with him.

Reluctantly, she makes her way over and plops herself down right next to him. She felt him staring at her, waiting for her to tell him what was wrong. With a sigh, she leaned her head back against the tree and asked 'do you think we'll ever find somewhere that's actually - like somewhere...'

'Safe?' Nate finished for her. She lets her head fall to the side and stares at him. She whispers out a quiet 'yea'

'Yea. Yea I think we will' he nods his head, confident of his words. 'I think we'll find a community. A big one. And there's gonna be a lot of other people, living in houses, eating full meals three times a day. And most importantly there'll be big, huge walls keepin' the roamers out' By now both Joe and Nate had huge grins on their faces, still staring at each other. Imagining what it would be like to have that luxury.

The grin on Nate's face suddenly dropped. Joe noticed. She brought her hand and brushed some off his hair out from his face. His hair has grown since they met. Before it was really short, almost nearing a buzz and now his ends are falling in front of his face. He leaned into her touch, letting out a noise of satisfaction when she continued to play and practically massage his head. 'Wouldn't wanna jinx our luck though'

Chapter 1 is complete!!!
Word count: 1282
Date finished: 8/4/23

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