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"Thank you for coming over here, D. I really appreciated it. Although at first I really didn't want to be bothered with anyone," I sigh with an eye roll.

We just finished up our main meal that we had, and now we're just eating snacks and still watching movies, well a tv show now. While browsing through the categories on Netflix we settled on anime and Damon picked the show One Piece. I've tried to get into it on my own, but I never know what to watch. The covers of the movies/shows don't really interest me, and I'm not really a big fan of it. When I asked Damon to give me some suggestions and he suggested One Piece and saw the amount of episodes I quickly clicked off of that and went to another category. At that moment I knew Anime wasn't for me. So now whenever I'm with Damon and he's watching it, I just watch along with him and I don't get into it for real because I know I will be lost. Kinda like how he does with me whenever I come across some reality shows or my romantic shows.

"Yeah speaking of that, you gotta stop pushing Keisha and Nate away when they only just want to help you."


"Hold up let me finish."

I close my mouth and give him the signal to go ahead.

"We've all had our shares of ups, downs, good & bad and you know in this family we all help each other to get through those times."

I nod my head up and down as he speaks.

"So those two weren't doing anything different, and you know they weren't trying to make you feel any worse than what you were already feeling. They just hate seeing their sister down, especially over some good for nothing so call boyfriend."

"I know and you're right."

"Of course I'm right. You didn't have to tell me that."

  I side eye him because he just had to give his typical Damon response. No matter how bad I was feeling, I shouldn't have treated my girls like that. It was uncalled for and inexcusable. Tomorrow after work I'm going to call and make it up to them. Although they already know I didn't mean it, I still feel like I should make it up to them & apologize. Like Damon said, they didn't do anything wrong but just try to be there for me and help me out of my funk.

"And lastly no need to thank me you already know I was going to come and check up on you. Soon as I didn't see that good morning text or see that gif of the football player on the field with his legs up & swinging them, I knew I had to do a check in. When Keisha texted me that was basically my confirmation right there." He shrugs his shoulders and goes back to watching the show.

"Can I ask you something?"

I speak up after a minute of silence. Another episode was coming up so I figured now would be the perfect time for me to ask my question, well get his opinion on it.


"If a guy know he has no interest in the woman he's with, or he's know the intentions he has for her does not equal out to the same intentions she has for him, why not be honest with her from the jump instead of leading her on? I mean why is it so hard? It's not hard for him to come up to her and say how he wants her body in more ways than one, but telling her how you feel or if you feel anything is like prying something from an infant's hand when they know they're not supposed to have it. I really don't get it."

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