Chapter 2

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Jotaro went through his usual morning routine before heading off to the SPW lab he was interning at for extra credits towards his degree.

They had asked him to relocate to California for a year to work in the lab there but he’d refused that the moment it was mentioned. He couldn’t stand the thought of leaving the one place Noriaki could find him.

The work day was long but kept his mind occupied and on less emotional topics. During his lunch hour, he made his daily call to the SPW Special Forces unit that had been tasked with locating and possibly rescuing Noriaki. The news was no different, there was no sign of the redhead.

His family had tried to help him move on. Going so far as to try and set hum up on dates. Jotaro refused to give up. He knew Noriaki wouldn’t have just left him like this and until he had answers, he’d keep looking.

The only concession he had made was returning to his classes. His mother had finally talked him into it saying that it would be Noriaki’s wish that he continue his work for the ocean and all its various creatures.

It was a passion they shared. Noriaki’s expansive knowledge of all forms of oceanic life had fascinated Jotaro. Especially seeing as the man had never taken a single college class at the time they met.

It was one of the many reasons he had grown to love Noriaki.


Jotaro wandered around the aquarium, doing his part of the nightly clean up. Only a few of the visitors still roamed around getting last minute pictures to remember their visit.

As he made his way to his favorite coral display, he noticed a familiar yet unique hair color. He slowed his approach and silently came up beside the redhead.

“You’re here a lot.”

Noriaki glanced up at him briefly before staring back into the tank, “So are you.”

“I work here. What’s your excuse?”

Noriaki chuckled, “I love the ocean. This.” He said waving a hand at the tank, “It reminds me of home.”

“Where are you from?”

“Ahh, Japan originally. My family traveled around a lot. Always by ocean. I miss it.”

“Well, this is Florida. You can go to the beach anytime you want.”

“No. I can’t go into the ocean right now.”

“Why not?”

Noriaki turned to him with a smile, “You ask a lot of questions, Jotaro.”

Jotaro blushed at the playful admonishment, “Sorry.”

Noriaki just chuckled again and turned back to watching the tank.

“Umm, we’re closing in 5 minutes. Would you…umm..”

“Throwing me out?”

“Ahh no. Just thought you…you know…might want some coffee?”

Noriaki looked up at him again, eyes bright with curiosity, “I’ve never had coffee before.”


Noriaki shook his head, “Never.”

“Would you like to try it? I know a great place just a few blocks away.”

“I’d love to.”


Jotaro trudged into his apartment, dropping his bag by the door and took off his shoes. Heading to the kitchen, he set the kettle to boil water to make tea and grabbed his favorite cup with a sea star on it. It sat next to Noriaki’s favorite cherry printed cup.

It hadn’t taken long for the two men to begin dating. The coffee outing had turned into lunch dates, which then turned into dinner and movie dates.

Jotaro had nearly passed out before he finally asked Noriaki to be his boyfriend. Then they kissed and Jotaro thought life couldn’t possibly get any better.

The kettle began whistling and Jotaro removed it from the heat and poured the hot water into his cup. Taking the cup, he made his way into his office and sat behind his desk to review the latest reports on the search for Noriaki.

As with the reports before, there was no sign of his boyfriend. He sighed, took a sip of tea and began to work on his class assignments.

It was nearing midnight before he was finally ready to face the empty bed and try to sleep. He climbed in under the blankets and lay facing Noriaki’s side of the bed. He knew his Nori was out there, somewhere. He could feel it.

Taking Noriaki’s pillow, he hugged it close to his chest. The familiar scent had long since faded away but it still gave him some comfort and eventually, he fell into a fitful sleep.


Jotaro and Noriaki walked hand in hand toward Noriaki’s small apartment. It was nearing 11pm and they had spent all evening roaming around town, stopping at various tourist shops that Noriaki loved and ended up having dinner at a small restaurant that looked out over the ocean.

They lingered over their meal until the restaurant was just about to close before heading back. Jotaro always insisted on walking Noriaki home and Noriaki could never deny him.

Their 2 months together so far had been like something out of the fairytales Jotaro’s mom use to tell him about. He’d never been so happy.

Finally they reached Noriaki’s apartment building.

Jotaro turned to Noriaki, intending on a good night kiss but noticed his boyfriend looking up at the building nervously.

“Hey. What’s wrong?”

Noriaki turned to him and smiled shyly, “I was just thinking…”

Jotaro kissed his forehead, “What about?”

“Well, what…what do you…I mean.” Noriaki paused and shook his head, “Would you like to stay the night?”

“Are you sure?”

Noriaki stepped closer and lifted up enough to press a lingering kiss on Jotaro’s lips, “Yes. I’m sure.”

Jotaro smiled and kissed Noriaki, a long, sweet kiss before pulling away, “Then I’d love to stay.”

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