Oneshot- The Fairly Odd Phantom

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In the Fenton home, in the lab, Danny Fenton, his girlfriend Sam Manson, his best friend Tucker Foley and his sister Jazz Fenton were hanging around the Fenton Portal. For once, the four teens were having a normal, lazy day.

Our favorite lovebirds were wrapped in each other's arms, Danny had his left arm around Sam's waist and Sam had her arms wrapped around Danny's torso.

Danny's POV

I let go of Sam and walked towards the Fenton Portal.
"Hey, guys, have you noticed the ghost portal has been acting weird lately?," I asked Sam, Tucker and Jazz.

Sam's POV

"Weird how?," I asked Danny, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head between his shoulder blades. The Fenton Portal's alarm suddenly went off.

Danny and I stared at each other in shock. Danny grabbed my hand and moved the two of us away from the Fenton Portal.

The Fenton Portal suddenly opened. Three ectopuses came out of the portal, flying around the Fentons' lab.
"Like that! I'm going ghost! Sam, take out the trash!," Danny yelled at me, transforming into Danny Phantom and grabbing the ectopuses by their tails, spinning them around before throwing them at me. I grabbed a Fenton Thermos and sucked the ectopuses inside.
"You know how environmentally- conscious I am. Tucker! Happy birthday!," I yelled at Tucker, putting the cap back on the Fenton Thermos and throwing the thermos at Tucker.

Danny's POV

Tucker caught the thermos.
"It's not for three months, but thanks. Jazz! Merry Christmas!," Tucker yelled at Jazz after he uncapped the thermos and sucked in another ectopus I threw at him. Tucker screwed the cap back onto the thermos and tossed it to Jazz.

I chased after another ectopus in the air. The ectopus split in two at the last second, causing me to crash into a lab wall.

I held my head in my hand, trying to make the pain go away before I flew after the ectopuses. The ectopuses merged back into one.

I grabbed the ectopus' tail and threw it at Jazz. Jazz caught the thermos.
"And I just got my present. Five ghosts wrapped up tight," Jazz commented, uncapping the thermos and sucking the ectopus inside. Jazz capped the thermos.

I landed next to Sam, wrapping her up in my arms once more.
"Okay, who's been messing with the ghost portal?," I asked Tucker and Jazz. I knew Sam wasn't stupid enough to mess with the ghost portal.

Sam wasn't stupid. She was brilliant.

A foreign laugh was heard in the lab. Sam, Tucker, Jazz and I stared at the ghost portal's control panel.

A cat and dog were standing near the control panel. The dog was pressing random buttons on the control panel.

The dog laughed.
"I like pushing the buttons for no reason!," the dog explained.
"Hey dog guy, cut it out! Whoa! You have no pants," I spoke to the dog, taking in his appearance. The dog pressed a blue button on the control panel.

A laser emerged from the control panel. I moved away from Sam, already knowing I was about to get hurt.

I wasn't going to let Sam get hurt too. I got zapped with purple energy from the laser.

My hair stood up in all directions after I was zapped. The cat walked up to me.
"Sorry, I'm Kitty Katswell. He's Dudley. We thought this was T. U. F. F. HQ! That's the last time I let you drive, or go out in public!," Kitty yelled at Dudley. Dudley continued to press buttons on the control panel.
"I love mystery buttons!," Dudley exclaimed. The ghost portal's alarm went off again.
"Guys, something else is coming out," Tucker spoke. Sam, Tucker, Jazz, Kitty, Dudley and I stared at the portal.

I got myself in a fighting stance, igniting a ghost ray. A boy and two fairies stepped out of the portal.
"Yay! Wanda, we're in Fairy World!," the green haired fairy spoke.
"Cosmo, this isn't Fairy World!," the boy yelled.
"Well, it could be, Timmy. After all, there's a pant- less dog and a floating kid," Wanda explained. I let my ghost ray die down as I flew towards Timmy, Cosmo and Wanda.

I aimed a Fenton Thermos and the trio.
"Whoa! More ghosts!," I yelled as I sucked Cosmo and Wanda into my thermos.
"I hate thermoses!," Cosmo yelled from within the thermos.
"My butt itches. I'll scratch it on the buttons!," Dudley yelled in excitement. Dudley sat on the control panel, scooting back and forth, scratching his butt.

The portal's alarm went off once more.
"Something else is coming," I spoke to Sam, Tucker and Jazz. A monster stepped out of the portal and walked into the lab.

I stared at the monster.
"And I've never seen anything like it before," I commented. The monster grew four additional arms.
"What's up? It's me, Bunsen! Yay! A beast welcome party! I brought cupcakes!," Bunsen yelled. Bunsen shot cupcakes out of his head.

Dudley ate a cupcake in one bite. Dudley then proceeded to eat every single cupcake in the lab except for the one Timmy was eating.
"New rule: from now on, only people with pants are allowed in the lab," I said to Sam, Tucker and Jazz. Sam, Tucker and Jazz nodded at me.

Even though today was weird... I'm glad it wasn't life threatening and that Sam didn't get hurt. Weird stuff like this has happened before but never to this extent.

Maybe I'm the source of all the weirdness. I pushed that thought away.

I'll deal with that... After.

The End

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