Chapter 27

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Leah's POV

I can't believe the day has actually come. It's come so quick. Last night I cried myself to sleep. I know I will get to see the boys mostly Niall but I'm gonna feel so lost without then. My mum should be back at 1pm. I looked at my phone and the time red 11:47 Not long until I get to see my mum.

Niall's not beside me so I guess his downstairs. I get up from my bed and stroll downstairs. The boys are whispering but as soon as I come in they stop.

Even when I just look at them tears threaten to spill.

"Morning babe" Niall said giving me a kiss. Oh how I'm going to miss this. As soon as Niall said this tears left my eyes and travelled down my cheeks.

"Aww babe don't cry"

"I don't want you to leave" I sobbed into Niall'a chest.

"I don't want to leave either babe but I promise I will text and call I promise."

I smiled at sat down at the table. "morning boys"

"morning" they replied cheerfully.

I had a quick hot chocolate and looked at the clock 12:25.

"we need to get ready, mum should be back in about 45 minutes" I gave a fake smiled.

I went upstairs and into the bathroom, locking the door I got undressed and turned the water on, once the temperature was OK I stepped in. I washed my hair and body and got out wrapping a pink towel around me. I quickly went into my room and looked thought my wardrobe. I choose some black shorts,a pink top and a navy cardigan and my denim TOMS.

I quickly got dressed and then dried my hair and quickly straightening it to make sure it's dead straight. I put on some natural make-up with clear lipgloss and went downstairs.

"MUM!!" I yelled running up to her giving her a hug. I hadn't even heard her come in.

"I missed you Leah, did the boys look after you well" she asked hugging me back. I broke from the hug.

"err.... and errr Niall errr......g-go o-out." I said.

"You look after her leprechaun" my mum chuckled.

"I will Mrs Ellis" Niall smiled.


"Are you staying for dinner boys?" My mum asked.

"FOOOOOD!" Niall screamed running into the kitchen. I raced him there and picked up the bowl of mashed potatoes

"none for you mwhahaha" I gave an evil laugh.

"Pwease LeahBear"

"ewww don't call me that" I laughed handing him the bowl.


Niall asked my mum if he could speak to her alone and then shooed me and the other boys out. I really wanted to know what they were talking about! All I managed to here was "Can I....." and "Of course I will"

Urgghhh. This is annoying why can't I know!?

Niall's POV

I just asked permission from Leah's mum before I asked Leah. Just imagine the embarrassment if Leah said yes and her mum said no.

I hope Leah says yes. We will get to spend loads of time together.

I walked into the living room.

"Leah, Can I Speak to you"

She looked scared but nodded and followed me upstairs to her room.

" I have something to ask you"

Leah's POV

Omg please don't say his gonna ask me to marry him. I don't know if I could get married at this age!

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