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Owen Winchester was a son of a werewolf doctor of the most powerful pack "Black Diamond". He recently lost his father who was also his mentor. So Owen has replaced his father's place in the pack. But the way he lost his father and with the worst memories he got there, it was impossible for him to stay there and work for the same Alpha who killed his father. He even have no family left to spare by.  So he soon made an escape plan and left the pack insearch of a new pack.

        After around a week he almost reached the Roosevelt Pack's border. He had listened so highly about the pack so he thought it would be best to start his new life of him. As he was about to pass the border he saw smoke in the no man's land. To know it's whereabouts he rushed in that direction.

     The view infront of him made him speechless. A two storey building was in full fire. It was quite impossible for anyone to survive in that fire so with much disappointment he backedoff towards the pack thinking he was late. But suddenly to his werewolf's ear a faint cry of a kid was heared. Soon he changed in to his wolf form and charged in to the home to rescue the kid.

   After a long search he found a boy cuddled around some toy in the bed room closet. Immediately he changed in to his human form and tried to carry the boy. But to his surprise the boy was too heavy for his age. Upon a close check he found out that the boy was not cuddling a doll, it was a baby. As he came back to his senses , he wrapped them with extra clothes and rushed through the safest place he can find in the house. And without looking back he ran with all his might to the Roosevelt pack to save the boys in his hands.

      As soon as he reached the pack, he shouted for a doctor and fell unconsciously on the ground.

    About few hours later he gained his conscious back and opened his eyes.

      As soon as I opened my eyes, I searched for the boys in my hands but they were empty.

    "Doctor, doctor " I started shouting out my lungs.

  "Sir, please be relax you need rest" a lady came to calm me.

" The boys, where are they ?" I asked her in hurry.

  "Look we are trying to save him but you should rest too. You had inhaled much smoke" the lady spoke out.

   "What do you mean by trying? I need to speak to the doctor now " I demanded the lady with my shaky voice.

    "Our pack doesn't have a doctor, I was the one who was seeing them but I couldn't find the way to treat them" the lady sounded really disappointment on herself.

     "I'm a doctor myself I have to check on them. Take me there" I asked her trying to get up from the bed.

    Both the boys were in critical condition when I saw them. With all my knowledge I did everything to save them.

   It was actually a miracle that we ever came from the fire but the treatment was much difficult than that. But I was not gonna leave my hope, even though I doesn't know who they are I have save them.

    After about much time, I had stabilized them. This was the most difficult time so far but it was all gone when I saw them smile on the hospital bed.

   Soon, I was so attached to them. At first the elder boy who is 7 years of age didn't talk much with me but the 2years old boy was affectionate of me. Slowly the elder to whom I named as Steve started believing me with his brother.

   I had named the younger boy as Sirius after my father in his memory. And soon without knowing I became their father and the Roosevelt pack's doctor.

   Slowly we built our own home and was living happily. Within no time my kids grew fast and about at the age of 15 Steve found his wolf cry and accepted himself as a werewolf. It was a wonderful day. From that day he used carry Sirius on his back and let him play with his wolf form.

     And by the age of 15 years of Sirius, we all were eagerly waiting for him to take his wolf form. But to our disappointment he was unable to do that and than we came to know that he was a human by the elders of the pack.

    Even though we were depressed by the thought of him not finding his wolf , we never thought less of him and accepted him as he is. Sirius even coped with the fact and never felt weak being a human.

    I was truly so proud of my boys because by the age of 22 and 20 they both learned most of the medical practice. Soon they both became young physicians.

     Around 15 years back I had no family but now I have my boys and they were my family and my strength. Everything was good until at the age of 21, Sirius started behaving oddly. And all our lives had started changing ... But in a good way or bad way was about to know.....


  Hey friends this is the prologue of the story... The game is yet to begin so spare with me and enjoy the ride...

See you all soon (6-8-23)  with the 1st chapter... Hope you all liked this, please do let me know by the comments and likes .... THANK YOU.




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