Chapter 1

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It was a pitch dark room. But the person who has been tied to the bed can see everything clearly or was all nothing but his imagination. Either way he is rather scared about the person who gonna come through the door than the darkness he isin now.

He was almost naked in the room and his whole body is in pain and agony as he was tied to the bed for almost forever. He can literally hear his own heartbeat and it truly beating way faster than ever. Even in the pitch darkness he can sense the shadows lurking around him. Suddenly his heart started to beat more frantically as soon as he heard the door being open. He was shaking all over, he was about to face his worst fear. With much a figure slowly started approaching him. Soon as the figure came near the bed, the figures dark blood eyes were his signature. The monster was staring with his sinister eyes making him feel chills in his spine. He came further to his ear and whispered "Sirius"

"Sirius, Sirius" he listened the voice again. This time the voice seemed to be far from him.

"Sirius, Sirius it's just a dream man wake up." The voice started repeating them over and over. Sirius wanted to hold the voice to wake up but it was not that possible. The cruel man had made him stun in his fear and the eyes- he felt they were boring in to his soul.

"Sirius, Sirius please wake up son. Dad's here look. Wake up dear" the other voice called out. This time Sirius started trying very hard wriggle from the man's gaze. And after a long time Sirius jolted in his bed with sweats all over his body.

"Dad..... DAD" he shouted and hugged Owen tightly with fear.

"Is it the same nightmare again" his dad asked him with sympathy. Sirius just nodded his head as a yes still hugging his dad to feel safe.

This was not his first nightmare, it was one of many but as the nightmares increased he felt them more real.

About an hour later he came to normal pace. Owen slowly brought him towards the dining table and made him sit on one of the chairs.

It was a four person dining table made of sandal wood. Steve, Sirius's brother too settled himself in a opposite chair of Sirius with concern on his brother. Owen soon pushed two plates full of bacon and eggs fry towards them and settled at the other chair with his own plate. The room was filled with awkward silence and both Owen and Steve were both seeing each others face to whether ask him or not. With much confidence Owen cleared his throat and began talking.

"Do you want to talk about it-" Sirius cut off his dad's question with a stern no. Both Steve and Owen looked at each other, nodded their heads and started eating with out any further questioning. They knew that he doesn't want to share it but they always try out of concern on him.

After breakfast Sirius gets upstairs to his room to get ready for the medical camp they were conducting. He thrown a black v-neck tshirt and blue denim jeans and came down taking his sleeve lather bag.

He was about reach for the door but his father called him. " Where do you think you are going?" Owen question him in a stern father tone.

"To the camp with you?" he answered in confusion. "Oh no mister, you are going nowhere" Owen continued his same stern tone taking Sirius's bag from him. "You are staying here and taking rest" he finished placing the bag on the neat by chair.

"But dad why? I want to help you and Steve" Sirius complained. "When you said you doesn't want to talk about your nightmares I respected your decision and now when I'm saying you to take rest, you are doing it. And that's final" he explained in a clear way. Whenever Sirius have nightmares , he thinks they are common but Owen takes it very seriously and makes sure he take full rest.

"Not again dad. You do this everytime and I'm not a child anymore' " Sirius further complained.

"It's because you need rest brother" Steve took out the words from his dad ruffling his hair.

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