Day dreaming

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He is such a pain in the ass. I'm one of those stupid people who believe that all people can change. I'm not one of those bitches that says " I can change him" but I do how ever believe in people being able to change them self.

But not him! He's way to fucked up to be fixed and still I'm sitting here daydreaming of his dirtblond hair and blue eyes. The way his back flexes when he stretch. Shut the fuck up brain I can't sit here and think about this, specially not when I have more important things to do.

Well I'm just start from the beginning. I'm born and raised in Outer Banks, my dad is a businessman at it's finest. That means that I grew up like a kook, yeah we are wealthy but not even close to the Cameron's. As a child I was more attached to my nanny than I was to my parents. I thinks that says it all about my family, my brother is nice his a bit protective and hella annoying. But he just hangs around his boys like 80% of the time. Btw his name is Kelce, he's 19 which makes him two years older than me.

We live in a big house with a view overlooking the sea.A Big white house with a big jard. Next to us lives the Cameron's. Sarah is one year younger than me but she's still my best friend. All our first have been together! Our first time riding a bike, fighting a boy, kissing a boy. How can you not be best friend with someone that always is there for you. And then her big brother they guy I was daydreaming about earlier his name is Rafe. He is my brothers "best friend" I can't really tell if they really are but they do spend all their free time together.

Our families have always been and will always be super close. We have dinner together every Sunday afternoon. Doesn't matter what weather or holiday we always do it. It's sworn tradition and I love it. The only problem is him, his way of acting, speaking, moving I despise it! I despise him. Ever since we were young he has always picked on me, bullied me and it's SO annoying. But he is so dreamy, he's so Lana Del Ray.

Who ever he might be acting he is still totally out of reach it's not even a question. Because of the pact, when me and Sarah was 8 we swore a pact that neither of us would ever get involved with each others brothers. It's a no go zone, it's to bad at times, like when your drunk out of your mind at a party and see Rafe staring at you across the room with a daring smirk placed on his face. I can tell you that those are the times when it's the hardes to stay away he is so dang hot and it's so dang hard to stay away.

But why am I thinking about this now I should be in the kitchen with Sarah taking shots not standing here looking at Rafe while he sits in the sofa dealing drugs. Oh yeah right I forgot to mention he's a drug addict pretty dang unattractive if you ask me. But it's just one of the few things that makes him a bit messed up but we're not going to talk bout that now. Because now is the time to get wasted and find a hot guy that can take Rafe's place for the night.

I walk into the living room looking for the short blond girl. I see Topper and roll my eyes, I make my way to him. His standing next to Sarah having a argument as usual. I take my place next to her as she smiles at me. Topper just looks pissed as always, I'm starting to believe that he only got that mood when he's drunk. I take Sarah's hand and whisper in her ear " you want to go into the kitchen and take some shots, I'm ready to get waisted girl!" She looks at me and grins and we are on our way.

The kitchen is crowed it reeks of sweat, hormones and alcohol. The so familiar smell of a party in Outer Banks. I find a bottle of Vodka while Sarah is looking for glasses. We pour the liquor in the glasses and look each other in the eyes and drink. A familiar sting and taste makes is way down my throat. I make a grimace but I feels so good.

We make our way back out to the terrasse and he's gone. Not that I care but his not in the same place that he was when I left, I look around a bit confused. " Is anything wrong? Who are you looking for" Sarah asks. I look at her and smiles " No just looking trough the crowd. There is a lot of people here tonight" OMG I can't be looking for him! I need to find a distraction and I need to find one quick!

The time passes by and so dose the people but there he stands. My target for the night my distraction from Rafe. It's a guy from my English class, he smiles at me as our eyes meats and I just know it's going to be a fun night. He is tall ( not as tall as Rafe), he is good looking with brown beach wavy hair ( not as good looking as Rafe), he's eyes are green like the forest and so beautiful ( but I love the ocean eyes more). Oh stop it already I get it brain he is better but Alec will do the work for the nights distractions from my real desire.

As the sly fox I am I make my way over to him. He stands with a couple of people that I recognize from school but he is my main focus. I brush a pice of my hair away from my face and look up at him smiling. Taking a second to just let him look my body up and down. I smile at him and whisper in his ear " you look nice too night Alec" taking a step back looking him deep in the eyes.

After so many years of trying to distract myself I have learned my ways to get what I want with boys. You want to know the best part? I'm still seen as the sweet, shy girl that everyone wants. It may be because of my friendship with Sarah for all I know.

Oh but back to now you know it's really hard to try to get a guy when the guy you really want is sitting behind him looking at you. All sexy with that look in his eye. God forbid why dose he have to be so damn hard to stay away from.

Authors note 🗒️
Okay I don't know how I'm doing at this hole writing shit. I'm kinda just making it the way my mind and actions would have played out. But tell me if it sucks🍾🍾🫠😳🫙🫗🍾🍾

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